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The yoke of Christ: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
At a recent wedding, I watched a mother try to lure her little boy onto the dance floor. She invited him to dance to a slow song, and then tried again when a fast song was played....
Shared space: The ethics of satellite use
At 6:18 p.m. EDT on May 19, 1998, the primary control processor of the Galaxy 4 satellite failed....
After death
Jon Levenson, a biblical interpreter to whom attention must be paid, has coauthored this book with Kevin Madigan, a profess...
After death
Jon Levenson, a biblical interpreter to whom attention must be paid, has coauthored this book with Kevin Madigan, a profess...
This Republic of Suffering:Death and theAmerican Civil War
In a beautifully written, deeply researched and profoundly thoughtful book that may earn her the title of the finest ...
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
Like The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005), the first nonanimated big-screen feature film based on C. S....
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
The biblical archaeologist at my seminary once donned Indiana Jones–inspired attire to publicize one of his discoveries. He claimed not to enjoy this publicity stunt....
The God of sabbath
The God of Israel and of Jesus is the God of Exodus who leads His people from the desert to the promised land, from a dry and dusty land to a well-watered garden, from slavery toward sabbath....
Blogging toward Sunday
Preachers have often imagined an anguished Abraham staggering toward Moriah as he leads his son to his death....
Conversation on race: When self-affirmation is a mission priority
Last month the United Church of Christ invited its congregations to conduct a “sacred conversation” about race in response to the controversy swirling around Trinity United Church of Christ and its...
Talk to Iran: Don’t attack
A report emerged from President Bush’s visit to Israel saying that Bush told Israeli leaders he intends to launch a military strike against Iran before he leaves office....
Century Marks: Sinless aliens, etc.
Post-Baptist? Nearly one out of five Georgians was a Southern Baptist in 1970. That ratio is now down to about one in ten. The shift is due to a flattening in denominational growth and rapid growth in Georgia’s overall population (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 15).
Executive perspective: An interview with Clifton Kirkpatrick
More than any other mainline Protestant executive in the past dozen years, Clifton Kirkpatrick of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been on the hot seat alm...
First call: From seminary to parish
I was a freshly minted product of seminary, plopped down by the bishop into a forlorn little church in rural Georgia. During my first sermons, my congregation stared at me impassively. ...
People: Alice Hunt, Vic Jameson
Chicago Theological Seminary has named Hebrew Bible scholar Alice Hunt as the 12th president in its 153-year history, to succeed Susan Thistlethwaite, who returns to teaching after se...
Briefly noted: Union Theological Seminary, Myanmar
Union Theological Seminary in New York has awarded degrees to 104 students, its largest graduating class since 1992. Included were 59 students who received Master of Divinity degrees....
McCain rejects support of pastors Hagee and Parsley: "I repudiate such talk"
Presumed Republican presidential nominee John McCain has rejected the political endorsements of two megachurch pastors after learning more about their disparaging views of other faiths....
Bishop calls on Kansas governor to stop taking communion: Sebelius vetoed recent abortion bill
The Catholic archbishop of Kansas City, Kansas, said he hopes Governor Kathleen Sebelius will abide by his request for her to stop receiving communion before he has to take further punitive measure...