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Biblically challenged: Overcoming scriptural illiteracy
A 2007 Kelton Research survey revealed that people know more about what goes into a Big Mac than they do about the Bible; they can name members of the Brady Bunch better than they can name the Ten Commandments. Twelve percent of adults think that Noah’s wife was Joan of Ark, and about half don’t know that the book of Isaiah is in the Old Testament. The situation might have comic possibilities for Jay Leno and other comedians, but for preachers working to craft a biblically based sermon, the situation is confounding. If parishioners can’t follow references to significant people, places or things in the Bible, they may miss or misunderstand the whole message.
Good religion: Mark 12:38-40
“Are you scribes gone awry?” Jesus asks us. “Have you got good religion?”
Worship with abandon (Hebrews 10:19-25)
This Hebrews text is a word crafted for a specific people by a caring preacher.
Body, Soul, and Human Life: The Nature of Humanity in the Bible
Can I really reinvent myself, maybe by moving out west to California? Just what is a self anyhow?...
Bright Star
Bright Star is a die-hard romantic’s romance, eschewing tawdriness in favor of shy smiles, stolen glances and soft kisses....
It's about morality
America’s fundamental problem with health care isn’t economic. It’s moral. So believes T. R....
Preaching the Atonement
The very idea of preaching a single doctrine seems misguided, even though it’s far superior to preaching on neat themes that intrigue the consumers out th...
From Midterms to Ministry: Practical Theologians on Pastoral Beginnings
Over the past eight years, I had the privilege of serving as program coordinator for the Lilly Endowment’s Transition into Ministry grants program....
Two widows, true to type
For most of canonical history, Mark's Gospel has been considered an ugly
duckling and its author a clumsy yokel. It can hardly be a coincidence...
Saints with and without halos
It is impossible, I believe, to have another All Saints Day come and go without recalling and giving thanks for those saints without halos—family members, mentors and friends—who were gifts of God ...
Words and miracles: Realities outside the text
I have a friend who was a college professor before she made the brave decision to leave the security of academia and strike out on her own as a writer....
Time's up: Jimmy Carter is on to something
Was former president Jimmy Carter identifying the elephant in the room or seeing a phantom when he charged that much of the opposition to President Obama’s health-care reform is motivated by racism...
Century Marks
God for a change: The Shona people of Zimbabwe have many names for God. Janice McLaughlin's favorite is Chipindikure, which means "the One who turns things upside down." It comes from the word kupinduka, which means "to be uprooted." Says McLaughlin, a longtime Maryknoll missionary: "What an amazing concept to explain God's presence in the often unwanted and unplanned changes that happen to us throughout our lives" (Ostriches, Dung Beetles, and Other Spiritual Masters, Orbis).
Evolution and sacrifice: Cooperation as a scientific principle
Followers of the media furor about evolution and God imagine that they have to choose between Darwinian theory and belief in divine providence. The most vociferous current contestants in this debate are either atheistic supporters of evolutionary theory or Christian supporters of the riposte position known as intelligent design. I suggest that there is a way to avoid this false disjunction altogether. New discoveries about the phenomenon known to evolutionary theorists as cooperation give us fresh reasons to regard evolutionary theory and classic Christian theism as entirely compatible—indeed, richly and convincingly so.
Retired army officer will be Nigeria's new primate: Orogodo Okoh to succeed Peter Akinola
The Church of Nigeria has chosen a 57-year-old retired lieutenant colonel from the Nigerian army, Archbishop Nicholas Orogodo Okoh, as its new primate to lead some 20 million Anglicans in the west ...
Secularist campus groups doubled in past two years: According to the Secular Student Alliance
The number of atheist or agnostic student groups on U.S....
Coalition seeks repeal of grant memo allowing Christians-only hiring: Asks Obama administration to review Bush policy
Dozens of legal and religious groups have asked Attorney General Eric Holder to rescind a Bush-era memorandum that they believe wrongly permitted a religious charity to receive federal grant money ...
Convicted felon loses bid to regain top Baptist post: National Baptist Convention chooses Julius Scruggs instead
Despite a highly publicized effort to regain the presidency of the nation’s largest African-American Baptist denomination, disgraced pastor Henry Lyons overwhelmingly lost his election bid last mon...