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Clergy seek IRS probe ofD.C. boarding house: The C Street Center
A group of 13 Ohio clergy is asking the Internal Revenue Service to investigate the tax-exempt status of a Washington boarding house used by conservative members of Congress....
Baylor’s choice of Starr was a surprise to many: The former Whitewater special prosecutor
The initial Baptist reaction to the choice of a controversial national political figure to serve as president of Baylor University has ranged from enthusiastic to skeptical....
A new, ethical financial order? Recommendations for change: Recommendations for change
Ever since the Great Recession began in the fall of 2008, Christians and other faith leaders have criticized the speculative excess and greed that led to the crisis....
Working people: To serve with gladness
When Studs Terkel, described by Donna Seaman as “oral historian, writer of conscience and raconteur-on-a-mission,” died on Halloween in 2008, he left a tall stack of books behind him....
Born again again: When Christians and missionaries meet
In the 19th century, European and North American missionaries spanned the world, bringing the light of the gospel into what they thought were the dark corners of heathendom....
Out of Afghanistan: Why Matthew Hoh resigned
Matthew Hoh is a former Marine Corps captain who has served with the U.S. Department of State in Iraq and Afghanistan....
Out of the rubble: Haiti's long-term needs
After having been buried for a week in the rubble of Haiti’s January 12 earthquake, Ena Zizi was rescued by the Gophers....
Now can we sing?
We Christians believe that we have a moral obligation to point to the pain that the rest of the world can’t see. Others may stroll past the suffering, but we stop and stare, take up an offering, make an appeal and collect blankets, sighing as we do our bit to alleviate some of the misery. That life may not actually be rotten in our part of the world today only increases our guilt for our occasional lapses into joy. How dare we sing when others are sufffering?
Raised up: Christ goes with us
In time for Holy Week, this issue features David Cunningham’s essay on the destiny of the “other thief” who was on...
Pure praise: Luke 19:28-40
For a number of years our church has had a pastoral internship program designed for intensive discipleship training and character formation....
Be the kingdom: Isaiah 65:17-25
The promise of Isaiah 65 is that God is doing a new thing. What's taking God so long?
On Moderation:Defending anAncient Virtue in a Modern World
Some years ago a young Southern Baptist minister in North Carolina, identifying her political stance in that church, ...
Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the GodDebate
Terry Eagleton is many things, all of which converge into intelligent passion and a command of thinking beyond ideolo...
A hermeneutic of trust
As I read about Jesus' instructions to his disciples in Luke, I think of my church's instruction of interns....
USCCB says no
It’s official: the Catholic bishops have come out against the health-care bill.<...
I'm with Stupak redux
Will Rep. Bart Stupak and his gang of anti-abortion House Democrats derail health-insurance reform?...