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A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, and Ethics
Imagine a world in which human beings came to view animals as subjects—that is, as inherently valuable individua...
The Reluctant Revolutionary: Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Collision with Prusso-German History
The martyrdom of Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a well-known story that has proven inspirational a...
Shutter Island
Director Martin Scorsese goes for broke in Shutter Island. The style is a particularly gaudy brand of expressionism....
America's Prophet: Moses and the American Story
Feiler is already well known for his readable account of the stream of faith derived from Father Abraham....
A sentence written by Ernest Hemingway hooked my soul years ago and has never let go....
A rare, uncomfortable ritual
Tonight is the one service of the year in which many churches practice footwashing....
Ah. Apparently someone actually did a Dylan Eucharist...
We’ve had a lively go
in the comments about the Bruce Springsteen Eucharist held recently by...
A new dispensation
The promise of Isaiah 65 is that God is doing a new thing: a new heaven and a new earth. In this new dispensation things are going to change big time....
Arts & Faith's top 100 films
Arts & Faith has put together an interesting list of top 100 films....
It's a Bosscharist!
First there was the U2charist,
in which churches invited young folks into their deepest and most...
Build back better: Haiti's future
The initial humanitarian response to the January 12 earthquake in Haiti has been impressive....
Century Marks
Just in case: Virginia state legislators passed a bill preventing employers or insurance companies from placing microchips in humans against their will. Mark L. Cole, sponsor of the bill, was concerned that the devices could someday be the “mark of the beast” mentioned in the Book of Revelation. Says Cole: “My understanding—I’m not a theologian—but there’s a prophecy in the Bible that says you’ll have to receive a mark, or you can neither buy nor sell things in end times. Some people think these computer chips might be that mark” (Examiner, February 14).
Briefly noted
A group of “traditional Anglicans” in Australia has voted to accept the invitation of Pope Benedict XVI to convert to full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, while retaining their mem...
Orthodox patriarch argues for church dialogues over self-imposed isolation: Bartholomeos I's Lenten encyclical
The Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomeos I, a key leader for the world’s 300 million Orthodox Christians, has written a Lenten encyclical that stresses the need for greater unity for churches and coun...
Israel adds WestBank shrines to protected list: Rachel's Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs
A decision to include two West Bank shrines in a list of Jewish heritage sites slated for preservation has been praised by religious and right-wing Jews and scorned by Palestinians and their suppor...
Kässmann quits post as German Protestant leader after drinking offense: Apprehended for drunk driving
The first woman elected to lead Germany’s 24 million Protestants in the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Bishop Margot Kässmann, resigned the post days after she was apprehended for a drunk-dri...
Two suspects arrested inEast Texas church fires: Suspected of setting at least nine fires
Two young men suspected of setting at least nine churches on fire in East Texas were active in the youth group of a Southern Baptist congregation before drifting away from church after the mother o...
Presbytery OKs gay church leader for ordination: John Knox Presbytery in Wisconsin
A former Presbyterian pastor and nationally known ecumenical leader has been approved for ordained ministry in Wisconsin by a presbytery which noted his declared conscientious objection to denomina...