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Thousands of modern-day scribes lend a hand in Methodist Bible transcription project
London, July 5 (ENInews)--In a process hearkening back to the
pre-Gutenberg era, when monks laboriously copied sacred texts by hand, more than
Slow growth
At this year's great Vigil of Easter, our congregation welcomed four new adult members: three women and one of their husbands.
Five tips for having a rewarding Christian dialogue with an "adversary"
I love having a good conversation with someone who disagrees with me.
Over the years, I’ve had hundreds of these types of conversations –...
A time of grace for women clergy: Retreat leader Sister Mary Luke Jones
According to Sister Mary Luke Jones, Protestant clergywomen come to Our Lady of Grace Monastery's retreats "with a deep thirst for community."
Russian pro-lifers to launch women's health clinics that don't provide abortions
Moscow, July 1 (ENINews)--A Russian pro-life organization is about to
launch a network of clinics offering pre- and post-natal care while excluding...
Mo. congressman apologizes for God comment
c. 2011 St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(RNS) A Missouri congressman has apologized for telling a national radio
audience that "at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God."...
Praise God. For the rest of us, feedback.
Maybe it’s part of our “have a nice day,” smiley-face culture, but these days it seems that praise is tossed around as lavishly as dandelions in the spring grass....
Summer reading list
Woody Guthrie: American Radical, by Will Kaufman. I love musician
biographies; Humphrey Carpenter’s of Benjamin Britten is the most
fascinating book I’ve read in years. I also love Guthrie’s music--he’s
so much funnier and sharper-edged than the earnest troubadours who
mimicked him in the 60s--and I’ll read anything about politics.
Spiritual Rx, by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat
In this engaging and useful book, Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat continue the task begun in their earlier volume, Spiritual Literacy: Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life, to encourage and g...
Roadside crosses: Personal shrines in public places
For some reason, going to a funeral and gathering in a cemetery
doesn't serve us as it once did. People find satisfaction in erecting
crosses along the public way.
Mormon leaders told to stay out of politics
SALT LAKE CITY (RNS) Mormon officials are telling their top, full-time
leaders that they and their spouses should not participate in political...
Hong Kong cardinal joins protest for religious freedom in China
Hong Kong, 30 June (ENInews)--Cardinal Joseph Zen Ke-kiun, the retired
bishop of Hong Kong, joined a protest outside the Chinese Liaison Office in...
Pawlenty’s pastor avoids politics in the pulpit
When GOP presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty goes to church, he knows
he'll hear a 27-minute sermon—never longer, never shorter. But whether...
Assembly-line justice
If federal policy met its goal of “zero tolerance” for people who
cross the border illegally, the caseload in the Tucson federal
courthouse would go from 200 a day to 1,000. Prisoners would need to be “processed” in groups of 40 instead of eight.
Summer reading list
The term "summer reading"
conjures up leisurely days immersed in fiction. I have a few items in that
The Convert, by Deborah Baker
In 1962, 28-year-old Margaret Marcus left her home in New York to start a new life in Pakistan as the adopted daughter of Abul Ala Mawdudi, an Islamic theorist and political leader....
The Party Ain’t Over, by Wanda Jackson
Wanda Jackson may be the queen of rockabilly, but Jack White is king of this collaboration. The roots-obsessed producer takes charge, offering a high-octane reimagination of various '50s styles....
Taking Utah to Africa
When we look at Mormon expansion in Africa, one pressing question
demands attention: Why is the whole continent not already Mormon?
Can creedless Unitarians make it another 50 years?
A recent Sunday service at the First Unitarian Church of Baltimore
ended with an apology. Laurel Mendes explained that religious doctrine...
Liechtenstein parishes may lose subsidies
Churches in Liechtenstein, one of the world's smallest countries,
could face financial disaster with government plans to withdraw state...