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Five Facts about Dominionism
(RNS) In recent weeks, an arcane and scary-sounding religious term has
crept into the lexicon of the 2012 campaign, tripping from the tongue of...
Vatican blasts New York's sex ed program
VATICAN CITY (RNS) The Vatican took a swipe at new sex education classes
in New York City schools on Wednesday (Aug. 31), saying teaching middle...
Catholics pitch in to repair National Cathedral
WASHINGTON (RNS) The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is donating
$25,000 to help repair the Washington National Cathedral, which...
Calif. man becomes a pioneer for gay Mormons
(RNS) Mitch Mayne is not the first openly gay person to hold a key
leadership post within the all-volunteer clergy of the Church of Jesus...
Does religion cause terrorism? It's complicated
(RNS) The shock of the 9/11 attacks was so great, and the personal
losses so deep, that many people understandably sought simple answers
for such overwhelming malevolence....
You can’t make this up: The limits of self-made religion
If we got all these spiritual-not-religious people together, they might find out that most of America agrees with them. But getting them together would be way too much like church.
What MLK said
I had an English professor who used to get
deeply annoyed whenever students would cite some literary passage but not
bother to quote it exactly. I recall him telling us, "Look, if you're going to
quote somebody, get it right."
Spiritual abuse
Just this last week I've encountered examples of what I can only
describe as spiritual abuse. It saddens one, because what is meant to be...
Hundred More Years, by Francesca Battistelli
Dove Award winner Francesca Battistelli has proved to be a refreshing breeze in the musty swamp of the Christian music industry, delivering material that sparkles with energy and vibrancy.
Which Bible, whose canon?
When documentaries explore Christianity, they have little
difficulty finding diverse manifestations of faith and practice. A global survey also reveals a surprising diversity when it comes to the content of the Bible.
Australian churches welcome ruling against refugee "swap"
Sydney, August 31 (ENInews)--Christian leaders in Australia have welcomed
a ruling from Australia's highest court that Australia cannot send asylum...
More of the same?
Criticism of Rick Perry's religious beliefs has been dismissed as just the same old secularist
paranoia. But this misses the significance of the New Apostolic Reformation.
Planning for grace
The resources for faith formation have grown in recent decades, yet the task remains elusive. After all, everything the church does is formative—and one can never predict how formation will happen.
Sunday, September 11, 2011: Exodus 14:19-31
This year the lectionary texts will be heard on the tenth anniversary of 9/11....
Americans flunk question on Captain America vs. Bible
(RNS) Pop quiz: Who said "We often suffer, but we are never crushed.
Even when we don't know what to do, we never give up"?...
Anglican prelate plans visit to Zimbabwe
Canterbury, England, August 30 (ENInews)--Rowan Williams, the Archbishop
of Canterbury, is planning to visit Zimbabwe in October as part of a wider...
Fiji government expands crackdown on Methodists
New York, August 30 (ENInews)--Fiji's military government has expanded a
crackdown on the Methodist Church, banning all church meetings except for...
Poll: Muslim Americans lean to moderate views
Almost half the nation's estimated 2.8 million Muslims fault their
leaders for not speaking out against Islamic extremists, but a vast...