Returning to a book that shaped my imagination
WCC head meets with Patriarch Kirill
Epistles of hope for our time
Interfaith coalition launches bus tour against Christian nationalism
A reminder of what’s worth saving
Former director accused of stealing $1.4 million from Pennsylvania clergy death benefit fund
October 23, Ordinary 30C (Joel 2:23–32)
Religious freedom group asks for UN inquiry into Iran's crackdown
Jonathan Lee Walton named next president of Princeton Seminary
The Presbyterian missionary who became a revolutionary in Iran
A fresh translation of Nelly Sachs’s later poems
Award-winning Mahalia Jackson film comes to Hulu
Poll: More Protestant pastors say the economy is hurting their churches
Tribes ask US Supreme Court to hear case over sacred land in Oregon
Traveling to find home
Texas church hosts services for synagogue damaged by arson
WCC begins work to bring HIV response back to forefront