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Templeton gives $5 million to study immortality claims
Promising an “uncompromising scientifically rigorous” approach, a professor of philosophy at the University of California, Riverside...
Oh, Wheaton
I've so far declined to comment on Wheaton College's decision to join the election-year culture war skirmish du jour by suing the feds for stomping all over its religious freedom requiring insurers to cover basic women's health needs while allowing faith-based employers to themselves stay out of it. I was sad but not surprised to learn of this move. Wheaton takes it as not only one legitimate view but an article of evangelical conviction that the morning after pill is unacceptable? Sure, okay. I disagree with my alma mater, but it's hardly the first time.
On "stomaching" the Bible
There are a handful of topics and themes that I can fairly reliably count on to cause questions or concerns in the life of the church....
Thursday digest
New today from the Century: Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove on covenants, Roger Olson reviews Jerry Walls, more.
Purgatory, by Jerry L. Walls
Can Protestants believe in purgatory? Should they? Might this enhance ecumenical relations with Catholics? Jerry Walls's answer to each question is yes.
New $6.5 million GOP campaign targets Jewish voters
c. 2012 Religion News Service EAST BRUNSWICK, N.J. (RNS) Michael Goldstein voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and supports gay marriage and an assault weapons ban....
Chick-fil-A to draw crowds -- and not for its food
c. 2012 Religion News Service (RNS) It could get pretty crowded at Chick-fil-A this week -- and not because of the fast-food restaurant's famous waffle fries. ...
Fear factor
The hidden message in many politicians' campaign speeches and ads is this: “Be afraid. Be very afraid.” ...
The definition of work
For about three and a half years, from 11th grade until the summer after my freshman year in college, I was convinced that I was going to be an engineer....
Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: LaVonne Neff reviews Joel Salatin, the politics of fear, more.
Mad farmer?
Joel Salatin's new book offers a full banquet of opinions, prescriptions and rants. How does the man find time to farm?
Globalization circa 1578
If one moment symbolizes the unification of the continents, it might be the creation of the diocese of Manila—as a suffragan see of Mexico City.
In gay marriage fight, some companies take a stand
c. 2012 USA Today (RNS) In an unconventional move, a number of high-profile business executives have come out on the issue of gay marriage. ...
Muslim group, CAIR, regains tax-exempt status
c. 2012 USA Today (RNS) The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a national Muslim civil rights group that has frequently drawn fire from conservatives, has regained its tax-exempt status. ...
Pennsylvania pastor and church charged in mock raid, kidnapping
c. 2012 Religion News Service HARRISBURG, Pa. (RNS) It was supposed to be a realistic lesson on the dangers missionaries sometimes face overseas. ...
Don't let the fact that Paul's letters are now Christian scripture undermine their message and authority!
Paul, in his time, made a case for relaxing Scriptural stipulations about the need for anyone within Abraham's household to be circumcised in order to be part of the covenant (...
How is Gary different from Flint?
This past weekend, Holy Covenant United Methodist Church—where I moonlight as a church musician—participated in a "...