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Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: Sister Nora Nash's shareholder activism, David Barton's truthiness, more.
Some Assembly Required, by Anne Lamott with Sam Lamott
Anne Lamott fans: if you're expecting a reprise of the gritty Operating Instructions, this isn't it. But read on.
Poll shows atheism on the rise in the U.S.
c. 2012 Religion News Service (RNS) Religiosity is on the decline in the U.S. and atheism is on the rise, according to a new worldwide poll. ...
Pope's butler charged with stealing private papers
c. 2012 Religion News Service (RNS) Pope Benedict XVI's former butler was indicted Monday (Aug....
Evangelist Billy Graham in hospital with bronchitis
c. 2012 USA Today ASHEVILLE, N.C. (RNS) Evangelist Billy Graham, 93, was admitted to a North Carolina hospital after he developed a fever Saturday (Aug....
Sunday, August 26, 2012: John 6:56-69
What was Jesus thinking? He had such a great following before he spoke. He’d just fed 5,000 people, and they were ready to sign up to become disciples....
Training in Jesus’ way: Ministry in the 21st century
"Jesus calls us to make disciples, not just converts," says Todd Friesen of Lombard Mennonite Church in Illinois. "I believe that discipleship begins in communal worship."
I've been told that I'm good at pastoral care
I have mixed feelings about that.
I don't know why, really, especially after something I heard last month. At the Stewardship Conference I attended, one of the speakers actually admonished us, "If you don't like pastoral care, you should find another line of work."
Well, I do like pastoral care.
The debate liberals have been hoping for
Jamelle Bouie recently lamented that liberals continually fall into the trap of focusing on crafting good poli...
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: New "Ministry in the 21st century" interview, the debate liberals want, more.
The absurd in worship
I recently learned that "Onward Christian Soldiers" can speak truth—when it's not a display of militarism but just patently ridiculous.
From ignorance to engagement: Scott Anderson on interfaith relations in Wisconsin
"I hope the shootings in Oak Creek will lead to interfaith education around the state," says Scott Anderson, director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches. "There is a hunger for this kind of engagement."
Better, not more
The lectionary has focused our attention on bread for a very long time. One might think that five barley loaves transformed into a feast plus baskets full of leftovers would be news enough, but Jesus goes on to talk about the bread for another 36 verses. He would be a dream interview for today's 24-hour news shows, with their incessant need for commentary on the latest attention-grabbing headline.
Scott Anderson on interfaith relations in Wisconsin
It has been a rough year for the state of Wisconsin. A painful and divisive recall election of governor Scott Walker tore the state apart in the spring. Then last week a lone gunman killed seven people, including himself, and wounded three others at a Sikh temple outside Milwaukee.
Monday digest
New today from the Century: Tom Long on worship and the absurd, Scott Anderson on interfaith relations in Wisconsin, more.
Red State Religion, by Robert Wuthnow
Kansas politics are often polarizing and angry—and rooted at least rhetorically in conservative Christianity. If this situation seems dire, Robert Wuthnow provides encouraging news.
Nuns reject Rome takeover, seek dialogue with bishops
American nuns facing a Vatican takeover of their leadership organization have rejected Rome’s plans to recast the group in a more conservative mold, but declined—at least for now—to respond with an...