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The reading congregation: Editor Christopher Smith
"In 2010 we decided to do a quarterly print magazine," says Englewood Review of Books editor C. Christopher Smith. "We felt like we were moving against the cultural tide."
Sunday, October 21, 2012: Mark 10:35-45
I’ve always been a goal-oriented person. I like to run marathons, for example, because they turn my daily training runs into a work in progress....
Meet John Q. Nones: A profile of the fast-growing religiously unaffiliated
c. 2012 Religion News Service (RNS)...
The rise of the 'nones'
The number of Americans who say they have no religious affiliation has hit an all-time high—about one in five adults—according to a study released October 9 by the Pew Forum on Religion & Publi...
Speaking to the fear
The fear is palpable. The Obama supporters feel that a Romney presidency will completely erode our safety net, so that only the rich will survive. Women feel like any gains that they have eked out in society for the last few decades will be taken away completely. The Romney supporters think that we need to get someone in there who knows about business, or else our economy will collapse. They worry about the looming deficit and an oversized government, so they want Romney to make the tough decisions.
Lord, have mercy
The summer has brought some changes, big and small, to the congregation where I am a pastor. Of course, the big one is a new senior pastor....
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: Amy Frykholm interviews Chris Smith, Tony Robinson's picks in practical theology, more.
Books as guides: Fall books: Reading habits
I am seldom without reading material—the Economist is my staple for doctors’ waiting rooms—but lately I find it more difficult to concentrate on reading that requires sustained atten...
Reading habits: Fall books
The Century asked Thomas G. Long, Barbara Brown Taylor, Scott Cairns and Kathleen Norris to describe their daily routines with the written word.
Mormons lower age for missionaries, setting off changes for parents, women, schools
c. 2012 Salt Lake Tribune SALT LAKE CITY (RNS)
Call it a change for the ages....
Solidarity in pain
There is no denying that in today’s world a culture of loneliness and isolation plagues individuals of every age, race and socioeconomic status. Although the church provides a sacred community that may help combat this loneliness, even the most devout believers have, at one time or another, questioned how or even if God is present in their suffering.
Facing uncertainty
Consider a big decision in your life (past, present, or future).
Now, consider the experience of deciding, especially the time of uncertainty and indecision prior to your choice....
Monday digest
New today from the Century: Fiction chronicle, Kathleen Norris's reading habits, more.
Fiction chronicle
Kevin Brockmeier’s characters ignore the divine fabric of the universe even when they are shaping it. Lauren Groff takes an opposite tack.
Just and Unjust Peace, by Daniel Philpott
Almost a decade after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, many Americans have become numb to the reports of continued violence in Iraq that are buried in the back pages of newspapers and are barely me...
Tunisians worry about loss of freedoms gained under the Arab Spring
c. 2012 Religion News Service TUNIS, Tunisia (RNS)
Three women got Nadia Jelassi into trouble....
Pastors to challenge IRS over political endorsements, and they're likely to get away with it
c. 2012 Religion News Service LOS ANGELES (RNS)
Some 1,400 American pastors are planning to break the law, and they're likely to get away with it....