Latest Articles
Gallup chief sees signs of religious revival
Despite a deep drop in the number of Americans who identify with a particular faith, the country could be on the cusp of a religious renaissance, says Frank Newport, editor-in-chief of the Gallup P...
Marathon ministry trains runners to put 'one foot in front of the other'
In a few weeks Mark Simpson will lace up his sneakers, set out some five-gallon water coolers and start waiting for a miracle....
Journal holds 'Jesus' wife' item for more relic testing
The Harvard Theological Review is postponing publication of an article on the papyrus fragment in which Jesus seems to refer to his wife, raising further doubts about a discovery that spar...
Catholic Church targeted via White House's online petition process
The White House’s novel online system for allowing citizens to petition the administration on any number of causes has led to such efforts as these: petitions to secede from the U.S.; a petition fo...
Remembering Brubeck
Like millions of others, I was a devoted Dave Brubeck fan—ever since I first heard his music in the 1950s.
Campus giveaway is in hands of foundation
Christian institutions hoping to win a free campus in western Massachusetts might soon face competition from others who are willing to pay for it, according to terms of a year-end donation from the...
Comforting promises
Until now I never appreciated the beautiful message of this week’s Old Testament passage. God’s promises to Israel—to not be drowned by water or burned by fire—make this text almost as comforting to its readers as the 23rd psalm.
More music picks
The Century recently published my 2012 music picks. Here are a few more I didn't have space for.
Monday digest
New today from the Century: Beth Felker Jones on The Hobbit, John Buchanan on Dave Brubeck, more.
Blessed technology
I work remotely, out of my home office. As such I am dependent on the smooth and ready operation of computer equipment. Recently I encountered some hitches.
What's to like and what's not to like about the fiscal-cliff deal
So reasonable left-leaning folks are disagreeing, even more than usual. Is this week’s fiscal-cliff deal any good?...
Friday digest
New today from the Century: Mark Heim on Brian McLaren, Rodney Clapp on technology and prayer, more.
Empowered women in the religious right
It would be easy for those of us who lean to the left of the political spectrum to dismiss the right by saying that they are waging a war on women, but that would deny the whole picture. What about Sarah Palin? What about Michelle Bachmann? And what about the other Grizzly Mamas who are being plucked, groomed and prepared as we speak?
Fervent and open
John Lennon's peace anthem "Imagine" can also be seen as an antidiversity hymn. Brian McLaren imagines something different.
Depending on the Distance, by Jimmy LaFave
The acclaimed Austin singer-songwriter Jimmy LaFave sticks out from the country crowd thanks to his frayed tenor and penchant for taking chances....
A land divided: The internal conflicts of Zionism
Is the goal of Zionism a democratic Israel with a Jewish majority? Or rule of the entire land, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan?
Faith leaders want Americans to pray for collegiality
WASHINGTON (RNS) At a time when the ideals of compromise and collegiality seem like a distant dream in the nation's capital, an unusually diverse coalition of religious leaders is asking Americans ...
Chicago cardinal leads new fight against gay marriage
Chicago Cardinal Francis George has launched a last-ditch campaign to convince the lame-duck Illinois legislature not to legalize same-sex marriage, saying that government "has no power to create s...
In age of Oprah, belief in miracles rises
These days, it may seem like a miracle that people still believe in miracles....
With new technologies, ‘parent’ is hard to define
In a classic 1960 children’s book, a baby bird toddles up to one critter after another asking, “Are you my mother?”...