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My home state's enhanced democracy
In November, I had to vote by provisional ballot. Happens to a lot of people, often for no good reason. But if I had stayed closer to home instead of moving across the state line, along with making my parents happy I likely would have avoided this frustrating experience at the polls. Wisconsin doesn't need to use provisional ballots on anything like the level that Illinois does, because Wisconsin has same-day voter registration.
C. Everett Koop and the religious right
It requires only modest exaggeration to say that C....
Wednesday digest
New today from the Century: Lillian Daniel reviews Justin Lee, Randall Balmer on C. Everett Koop, more.
Evangelical and gay
Justin Lee's book is more than charitable to his Southern Baptist origins. But his heart-wrenching stories speak for themselves.
A Season of Mystery, by Paula Huston
The curmudgeonly old are notorious for “close-mindedness, complaining, fear of change, obsessing about comfort and security, boredom, denial, resentment, judgmentalism, hoarding, and cursing an inc...
Sunday, March 17, 2013: John 12:1-8
When our congregation celebrates communion by intinction, the pastor invites members to “Come. Take off a large piece of bread. See how large and great God’s love is for you....
Night out in London
I recently spent a night on the streets of London. I had two companions, who wondered if I was checking up on them in some way.
Seeking transit
Taras Grescoe is a straphanger: he prefers and relies on public transportation for day-to-day travel....
Inequality, as it's perceived and as it exists
This video on wealth inequality is awfully well done. It emphasizes the point that the gap between rich and poor in this country isn't just bigger than some liberal theorist might like it to be. It's a whole lot bigger than most Americans think it should be, and also bigger than they think it actually is.
Tuesday digest
New today from the Century: Sam Wells on a homelessness immersion experience, Debra Bendis on Taras Grescoe's book, more.
Blessing gay marriage
A specifically Christian understanding of marriage doesn't insist on procreation. It insists that marriage mirrors God's fidelity.
How to transmit the faith?
My youngest child hasn’t missed a church choir rehearsal in five years. But when the ten-year-old went too rehearsal one day recently, she was one of only two people to show up. It was a hard evening for the interim music director—it’s hard to be a resilient leader when your numbers are dwindling.
Roberts, Scalia and the Voting Rights Act
There is a wicked irony that as the United States marks the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement, the country’s highest court is edging closer to gutting one of the movement’s greatest victories.
As Americans everywhere celebrate the marches, martyrs, and nonviolent courage of Civil Rights activists in Selma, Birmingham, Atlanta and elsewhere, the Supreme Court seems poised to rollback the Voting Rights Act of 1965, or at least, eviscerate key provisions that make it functional legislation.
Monday digest
New today from the Century: The editors on same-sex marriage, Brueggemann on Joerg Rieger and Kwok Pui-lan's book on Occupy, more.
Occupy Religion, by Joerg Rieger and Kwok Pui-lan
It is easy to conclude that the Occupy movement was a flash in the pan, enacted by disgruntled people without a plan or staying power, a passing whim to be forgotten. This book insists otherwise.
Bottled and sold: A church’s recycling mission
We live in the reddest part of Texas, a very red state. So maybe we shouldn't have been surprised when our city stopped recycling glass.
Baseball stories
I have friends who always count the days till spring training begins. Now that it’s underway, their thoughts are moving on to their teams’ post-season chances....
Who pays more for health care?
There’s a rough consensus that Steven Brill’s massive story on health-care prices is an ...