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In the land of Zomia
Any account of Asian Christianity must deal with minority peoples. One large and diverse region has more than 100 million people—many of them Christian.
Lent is a time to follow the highway to Zion
I became aware of my trust in God when I was 13, during an overnight with the daughter of our church’s minister. We weren’t in the same school, but that year her dad taught our confirmation class and we became friends.
We had turned the lights out—her mother had asked us to—but, as usual, we continued talking. Eventually, the conversation took a turn when one of us asked, “What if God didn’t exist?”
Putting the "-ist" in "environmentalist"
Keith Kloor thinks environmental organizations are struggling to stay relevant. Christopher Ingraham says "the green movement has a Millennial problem." The eco-Millennial is "a myth," says Derek Thompson: "Millennials don't give a hoot about the environment."
They're all talking about this big Pew study on Millennials that came out last week.
Bishop drops case on gay marriage
United Methodist bishop Martin D. McLee of New York announced he is dropping the case against a retired seminary dean who officiated at his gay son’s wedding....
Protestant work ethic not so productive now
America’s vaunted Protestant work ethic is getting a makeover: now it might be more of a secular or atheist work ethic....
Court lets Episcopal Church keep property
The Supreme Court has let stand a Virginia court ruling that allows the Episcopal Church to keep the property of a large congregation that left the denomination over theological differences....
Journey stories
This Lent, add a journey story to your reading. Follow Gilgamesh to the ends of the earth or the Knights of the Round Table into the forest.
A call without mystery
The call of Abram is one of my favorite stories in the whole Bible. I have moved quite a lot, and the experience of packing up my life in England to move to the U.S. nearly three years ago is still fresh in my memory. The challenges that face Abram and his family are exciting, probably daunting, but certainly not without their cost. I love the way the call is vague about the destination: it seems that getting moving is more important than knowing the final details.
Varieties of Zionism
In a booklet titled Zionism Unsettled, a group of Presbyterians has issued a blanket denunciation of Zionism, terming the Jewish quest for a homeland in the ancient land of Israel inherently racist, exclusionary, and devastating for non-Jewish inhabitants.
Jewish and Christian groups have rightly criticized the booklet for its sledgehammer one-sided approach, theologically and politically.
Why the Germans? Why the Jews? by Götz Aly
Aly addresses one of the most troubling and enduring questions of the 20th century: How could the German nation kill 6 million Jews?...
As Fox-TV re-creates ‘Cosmos’ series, Carl Sagan’s following grows
c. 2014 Religion News Service...
Ministry leader Gothard quits after abuse allegations
Bill Gothard, an Illinois-based advocate for homeschooling and conservative dress who assails rock music and debt, has resigned from the ministry he founded after allegations he sexually harassed w...
The Menlo Park Difference
It’s been a long time since Mr. Show with Bob and David has been on HBO, but there are a few sketches that come to mind even now. Especially when I read about the PC(USA) in the news. In particular, "The Fairsley Difference."
Other people saying things
"You go to the Oscars, so nervous you clutch your fellow presenter’s hand....
In qualified defense of the Gilbert & Sullivan mass
Via CCblogger Scott Gunn, here's a fun new video from Lutheran Satire. I appreciate the main points here: that the faith formation of young people begins in the home (see this Century interview with another Lutheran) and that the main thing that draws anyone to the church is not pop-culture sensibilities but the proclamation of good news (an even Lutheraner notion). But I'm not sure what this has to do with the U2charist and the other single-secular-artist-themed worship services it's spawned.
The past is now
Margaret Bendroth and John Fea both contend that Christians need to encounter the past in all its complexity and humanity.
Evangelical leaders decry Uganda’s antigay law
American evangelicals are denouncing a new Ugandan law that criminalizes homosexuality, reiterating a position that many have held for years but which has nonetheless drawn scrutiny and skepticism ...
Megachurch leaving PCUSA despite $8 million cost
Members of one of the largest congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have voted to leave the denomination, despite facing an $8.89 million cost for leaving....