July 16, 15A (Genesis 25:19–34)
The corrosive power of regret
Hostile architecture
Lessons from downsizing my office
UCC elects first woman—and first woman of African descent—to lead denomination
Walter Earl Fluker’s call to the Black church
July 9, Ordinary 14A (Matthew 11:16–19, 25–30)
A very particular humanity
Southern California church plants native species in its gardens, becomes part of its natural environment
Supreme Court ruling in favor of mail carrier celebrated across religious spectrum
Reimagining how we reimagine church
American Protestantism and what it has done
Is being adopted or fostered always traumatic?
Unitarian Universalists elect first woman of color, openly queer president
Bronwen Boswell named Acting Stated Clerk of the general assembly of the PC (USA)
Can churches spread the gospel of solar in coal country?