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End of story?
Why can’t I ignore the disciple Thomas?
Each year, when reading the scripture for Lent, and then plunging into the intense, familiar verses about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter, I rarely think about Thomas. Indeed, with a few exceptions—Peter’s bumbling betrayals, Judas’ fatal scheming—I’m hugely focused on Jesus.
The Problem with Living in the Moment, by The Grownup Noise
“My Ride’s Almost Here” is a chamber-pop gem à la Nick Drake, but the rock mode of this Boston band works equally well....
The Great Reformer, by Austen Ivereigh
Austen Ivereigh's book on Francis has caused some controversy. It's also the most important biography of Jorge Mario Bergoglio yet published.
Good Friday and the stories of Jesus
May we not domesticate the Jesus story for our own religious comfort, but in telling the story, and doing so truthfully, may we worship our crucified Christ and encounter his delivering presence, and therefore be transformed after the image of God.
Survey: Circumstances matter to young adults in moral questions
c. 2015 Religion News Service
(RNS) Most young adults of every religion, race, and ethnicity support access to affordable contraception....
The future map of religions reveals a world of change for Christians, Muslims, and Jews
c. 2015 Religion News Service
(RNS) Muslims will overtake Christians by the end of this century....
At least 147 killed, hundreds rescued in Kenyan university attack that targeted Christians
c. 2015 Religion News Service...
Washing dirty feet
The feet and legs of the homeless men we serve at the Bowery Mission in New York are a testimony to the pain they endure daily. Many of their legs are swollen because, like Jesus, they have nowhere to lay their head to rest.
The same night for years
Three times a year, a worship service ends and I go back to the vesting room to change—and I feel as though I'm walking into a time warp.
Today I passed as straight
Today, I passed as straight.
That’s a weird thing to write, because in fact I passed for straight for most of my life, either because I hadn’t thought yet about not being straight, or later because I *had* thought about it and just couldn’t face what it might mean for my life.
The Whole Night Thru, by Sam Llanas
Those who know Llanas from his time in the BoDeans will recognize his voice: still sharp and tough, yet infused with urgency on the leadoff track “Déjà Vu” and the plaintive rocker “The Best I Can....
Muslim group in Indonesia challenges reform agenda
(The Christian Science Monitor) Over the past century, Muhammadiyah, Indonesia’s second largest Islamic organization, has risen ...
Interfaith pair wins Nigeria election
(The Christian Science Monitor) When Nigerians talk of General Muhammadu Buhari, their newly elected president, they use words like&...
The path of forgiveness
Two recent books testify to the difficult but hopeful work of forgiving in the most trying circumstances.
Character traits: A model for learning service and responsibility
Past efforts at "character education" have operated with a shallow understanding of character. The Expeditionary Learning model goes deeper.
Laws of Expeditionary Learning
Read the main article on the Expeditionary Learning model.
Seven Laws of Salem...