In a Century cover story, Katherine Willis Pershey mentions that she infuriated a friend with her beliefs about sex before marriage. That friend was me.
If the law and the prophets could have provided some warning to the rich man, there must more than his wealth that matters in this parable about him and Lazarus.
In 1900, W.E.B. Du Bois named the color line as the problem of the 20th century. The color line, which still persists, is on trial this presidential election.
While Donald Trump polls low among black voters, these numbers have improved slightly.
It’s a joy to engage face-to-face again with students in the classroom. But it also brings a constant stream of decisions about how to build a learning community.
Judy preached a sermon in which she told a story about herself, a lovely narrative that helped us connect with her on a personal level and supported the scripture lesson well....
Some bemoaned yesterday's difficult Gospel passage. As I look at the Gospel lesson for this coming Sunday, however, I think it may be even more difficult but for the opposite reason.
The Gospels show Jesus as prophet, teacher, and miracle worker. But most intriguingly, they depict him as a storyteller--one who could not only draw a crowd but keep it riveted.