Latest Articles
Risk management: Protestants confront sexual abuse
The latest wave of sexual abuse scandals crashing upon Catholic parishes and chanceries has apparently missed most Protestant churches....
To hell with gays?
It was inevitable that the antihomosexual lobby would develop something equivalent to a neutron bomb designed to wipe ou...
The kingdom of baseball
There is a brief scene in The Great Gatsby in which narrator Nick Carraway is introduced to the man who fixed the 1919 World Series. Nick is stunned by the notion....
Growing Up Protestant, by Margaret Lamberts Bendroth
The popular psychoanalyst Alice Miller assesses the intersection of children's lives with Christian values and concludes that the Christian tradition functions as a "poisonous pedagogy" for those w...
Truth and consequences
Adrian Lyne's Unfaithful is more graphic in its portrayal of the act, but it comes no closer than most recent films to confronting the issues surrounding adultery....
Making connections
Nick Hornby's novel About a Boy brings together Will, a wealthy 30-something bachelor, with Marcus, a 12-year-old who's alienated at school and miserable at home, where his depressed singl...
Mutual confusion
The ismail Merchant--James Ivory production team, now synonymous with elegant costume dramas set in the 19th century, first attracted notice in 1965 with Shakespeare Wallah, the s...
What Makes Us Think? by Jean-Pierre Changeux and Paul Ricouer
It will be a long time until scientists and nonscientists will be able to share a worldview, Rudy Baum asserts in a recent article in Chemical and Engineering News....
So many books, so little time: Got to keep reading
The human race can be divided in various ways....
Contending with the saints: Discerning God's will, not imposing our own
The season of denominational assemblies is upon us....
My day in court: Grace and gratitude
I was judged last week. I had been dreading my 3:00 p.m. appointment at the City of Atlanta Traffic Court ever since the policeman handed me the yellow citation a month and a half earlier....
Sharon’s plan: Like U.S. strategy against Native Americans
The most distressing reality for Americans observing the Middle East is not the deadly struggle between Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat....
Into thin air: Unchurchy church names
A weekly magazine not unfriendly to evangelicals, megachurches and the marketplace recently pointed to a trend disturbing to its editors—and to us....
Listen up: Genesis 12:1-9
As Abram's heirs, we must know that our lives are not so much about choosing as they are about being called.
Acting out
Americans remain deeply attached to religion. The days of the “secular city” (Harvey Cox) have been left behind for “the spiritual marketplace” (Wade Clark Roof)....
Tools for life
The Good Life: Truths That Last in Times of Need.By Peter J. Gomes. HarperSanFrancisco, 388 pp., $23.95....