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Caution:Bible class in session: Falling toward a deeper life of faith
It is Columbus Day, and I am halfway through the Bible survey course that I teach every other year....
Prison of hope: On the ground in Palestine
On the ground in Jerusalem, one can see how much syndicated columnist Thomas Friedman overlooks. Friedman, the premier media commentator in the U.S....
Morphing Moses: Images of Santa
At George Washington’s home, the Mount Vernon Ladies Association is evidently taking lessons from TV advertisers, some megachurchers and others who act as if the whole citizenry were made up of 18-...
Good shepherds (Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24)
While Ezekiel’s shepherd is often on the move, any sheepherder will tell you that this is the exception rather than the rule.
Flesh becomes word: The incarnational poetry of Scott Cairns
From Baptist to Presbyterian to Orthodox—that’s hardly a conventional trajectory for an American Christian....
Long before Bill Clinton trashed his presidency by lying about his adulterous relationship with Monica Lewinsky, the po...
Theological tinkering
The Puritan as Yankee: A Life of Horace Bushnell. By Robert Bruce Mullin. Eerdmans, 296 pp., $21.00 paperback....
In the Image of God, by David Brion Davis
David Brion Davis is known for his scholarly The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1770-1823 and The Problem of Slavery and Western Culture, both prizewinning texts....
Everything is Illuminated, by Jonathan Safran Foer
Often we look to find ourselves, to learn from our forebears who we are. If that past--unreliable at best--is unavailable, we may have to use our imaginations to reconstruct it....
Religion and Violence, by Hent de Vries
This thoughtful, well-researched book seeks to develop and apply a distinctive philosophical approach to reflection on religion--an approach that goes beyond the traditional methods of confess...
Taking aim
While driving home after viewing Bowling for Columbine, I tuned into a radio discussion about the Washington, D.C., sniper....
Black day in Derry
On January 30, 1972, the Civil Rights Association of Derry organized what was meant to be a peaceful march protesting the British violation of civil liberties in Northern Ireland....
Memo on M.E.M.O: Pastorally prophetic
The best part of my job is that Martin Marty occasionally sticks his head into my office, calls me “Boss” with a twinkle in his eye, and sits down to talk—as if he has nothing better to do....
Caught in the crossfire: Imagine the fear the Iraqis have lived with
Americans are fearful these days. September 11 snatched from us (forever?) a feeling of invincibility, a sense of being safe and secure from foreign invasion....
Coexisting with Saddam: IraqiChristians fear war, decry sanctions
The numbers of Christians living in Iraq, mostly Catholic and Orthodox, have been dwindling for more than two decades....
Taste test: A pastoral call
"I have become all things to all people,” Paul wrote to the Corinthians, apparently not foreseeing how we would regard his wry boast....
Interfaith ‘prayer’: What is it and should we do it?
A contemporary reader of the New Testament letter we call 1 Corinthians is likely to be a little puzzled by the amount of attention it gives to whether the Corinthian Christians could eat meat that...
Beginning again: Where New and Old Worlds meet
September 11, the war in Afghanistan, the impending war in Iraq, the devastating conflict between Israel and Palestine, the crisis in the Roman Catholic Church, the crisis in big business, children...