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Cultural exchange
Though only the second feature by the Australian director Sue Brooks (and the first to open in this country), Japanese Story is an almost perfectly calibrated small work, like a finely shape...
Learned behavior: Skills for ministry
Several years ago I was part of a discussion of theological education which tackled two sets of questions: First, what skills does one need in order to be an effective clergyperson?...
Unsecular America: Religious freedom does not demand a privatized faith
Christians in the U.S. often worry about the nation’s “secularism” and the attendant privatizing of religion. While it’s true that the U.S....
Century Marks
Higher power: Bill Wilson, founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, was a gifted, largely self-taught man....
Democrats' 'religion gap' not full story: "Some people are overinterpreting the numbers"
In this election year, surveys reveal what many call the “religion gap” facing the Democratic Party. The most frequent churchgoers have been voting Republican in recent presidential contests....
Passion, Judas present contrast in Jesus films: Judas vetted for anti-Jewish scenes
Churchgoers pondering whether to see Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ during Lent know from news stories that they will have to steel themselves for graphically violent scenes and pote...
Massachusetts court says gays may wed: Conservatives say decision raises the stakes
Turning the heat up on the national debate, Massachusetts’ highest court has ruled that civil unions are not good enough to comply with the court’s historic ruling in November that opened civil mar...
Gay Brethren cleric leaving for UCC: Matthew Smucker's ordination invalidated
A minister in the Church of the Brethren whose ordination was invalidated because he is openly gay said he will leave the denomination and be ordained in the United Church of Christ....
Hello? Church callers stay unconnected: Which churches are hard to reach
Many Protestant congregations schedule special music programs and added services before Christmas in hopes of attracting churchgoers and visitors....
Disciples have big year with new churches: Denomination doubles its goal
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) started 82 churches last year—the highest number in almost a century—and is well on its way to planting 1,000 new churches by 2020, church officials said....
Cuba gets first Orthodox church: Government-built Greek Orthodox cathedral in Havana
The spiritual leader of many of the world’s Orthodox Christians dedicated a government-built Greek Orthodox cathedral in Havana, Cuba, last month, and called U.S....
Orthodox agency joins Ethiopian AIDS battle: Project includes abstinence-based education initiative
The relief agency sponsored by the nine major Eastern Orthodox churches in the United States is joining a $6 million program to fight AIDS in Ethiopia....
Bush budget rapped for cutting AIDS money: Christian groups say president is not following through on promise
Shrunken AIDS funding in President Bush’s 2005 budget proposal has dampened the spirits of Christian groups and aid organizations, whose spokespersons said he is not following through on his promis...
Briefly noted
The resurgence of anti-Semitism in many parts of the world was denounced in a joint letter to the London Times by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams; Catholic Cardinal Cormac Mu...
History or legend? Digging into Israel's origins: Digging into Israel's origins
What did the biblical writers know and when did they know it? That question formed the title of a recent book by William G. Dever....
Ears to hear: Reading the Bible with the aid of faithful interpreters
Every once in a while someone asks me about my “faith walk.” It makes me cringe. But lately I have discovered that the expression can have a less mawkish, more literal connotation....
Speechcraft: Learning elocution in the olden days
Just in time to help me understand the 2004 political campaign and church scene, my son Micah presented me with Appleton’s School Readers Fifth Reader....
No turning back: Psalm 27; Philippians 3:17-4:1; Luke 13:31-35
When my friends and I sang at church camp, we sang sincerely, often teary-eyed, seated on the ground with the cross illumined by candlelight in front of us. In those emotional moments, I imagined myself to be standing firm in the Lord as Paul had urged the Philippians to do. In those moments, I was determined to set my face toward him. But my single-mindedness never lasted.
Faith for a change: Christ and culture in Moscow
Almost every American seminary student knows H. Richard Niebuhr’s typology of five ways of relating Christ and culture....