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Kansas board, pope challenge evolution: Inroads for intelligent design
The Kansas State Board of Education approved, in a 6-4 vote, textbook standards that question evolution and redefine science to embrace other than natural explanations....
Mixed ballot results on 'values' issues: November 2005 elections
Religious conservatives lost electoral fights to pass an abortion law in California, overturn gay-rights legislation in Maine and defeat a bond issue in Ohio that critics said could fund embryoni...
Carter draws contrasts with Bush on faith: Presidents differ on peace and poverty
Former president Jimmy Carter says he doesn’t doubt that President Bush has a sincere faith, but says he and Bush practice their Christianity differently....
Gay megachurch votes to join UCC: Cathedral of Hope in Dallas
One of the nation’s largest gay churches has voted overwhelmingly to affiliate with the United Church of Christ, in part because of the UCC’s vote last July to support civil marriage rights for gay...
Archaeologists find 'earliest church' in Holy Land: Excavation on the grounds of Megiddo Prison
Israeli archaeologists excavating the grounds of Megiddo Prison have discovered what they believe are the remnants of the earliest church ever discovered in the Holy Land....
Briefly noted
The (Lutheran) Church of Sweden has agreed to establish a blessing in churches for same-sex couples who have signed a civil partnership agreement....
Counterscript: Living with the elusive God
I have been thinking about the ways in which the Bible is a critical alternative to the enmeshments in which we find ourselves in the church and in society....
Leaving Jesus behind: Christians in politics
A few months ago a friend told me about a conversation he’d had with an atheist in Colorado Springs....
Ankle-deep in danger: Staged news
In October NBC’s Today show covered the floods in New Jersey with a live shot of correspondent Michelle Kosinski, who was paddling a canoe....
Mercy, me (2 Peter 3:8-15a)
Mercy is not what we’re about, and I suspect we don’t want our God to be about it, either.
Standing on the promises: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Psalm 126; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28
Some 50 years ago, Merton warned us about what can happen when “all words have become alike.”
Mission impossible
The war in Iraq grinds on, now at the cost of over 2,000 American lives and uncounted thousands of Iraqi lives. Few are reluctant to attack the way the Bush administration has managed the war, but fewer still are willing to say that this war should never have been waged. The U.S. should make what amends it can to the Iraqi people for the damage it has done and let them decide their own fate. Our task is not to “complete the mission," but to abandon it.
Lost in transition
In 2001 Barbara Ehrenreich opened people’s eyes to the life of America’s working poor with her provocative bestseller ...
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Team of Rivals enjoys a first printing of 400,000 hardcover copies, it is the featured selection of two prominent b...
In Whom We Live and Move and Have Our Being: Panentheistic Reflections on God's Presence in a Scientific World
Like many bibliophiles I tend to shy away from multiauthor volumes...
Sound alternatives
Could Mali become the next Cuba? The folks at Putumayo—known for their attractive world-music compilations—think so, and make a compelling case....