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Myth-buster: Speaking truth to power
Dear Pastor Gregory Boyd: My editors do not favor the “open letter” genre, so let’s consider this a “closed letter,” something I’d more or less sneak to you....
In the know: James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38
My wife and I have two sons, 12 and 14, and a standard-size refrigerator. Hence, we spend a lot of time at the grocery store. As I wait to pay for one day’s installment of food, I am invited to learn the full story about the semiprivate lives of numerous celebrities. If the number of these publications is anything to go by, our desire for insider knowledge is insatiable. We want to know all of the details and we want to know them now.
Violence undone: James Alison on Jesus as forgiving victim
Imagine someone who, because he is not driven by fear of death, is able to undergo an absolutely typical lynching at human hands and to do so deliberately—showing that death, rather than being definitive and powerful, is no more than a frightening mirage. Christ calls the bluff of the lynching, enabling humans to be less driven by fear and a desire for revenge.
Compost for the kingdom: An experiment in gardening
Adela and I were hauling water for the first spring crops—peas, potatoes, spinach and lettuce....
God's choice: James 2:1-17; Mark 7:24-37
Jesus seems to engage in just the sort of activity that James warns against.
Invigorating Acts
Browsing through this pair of commentaries on Acts, I found myself wondering, “What are commentaries s...
After Harm
In a recent article in the New Yorker, physician Atul Gawande detailed how badly the American health-care system de...
The Boys, or, Waiting for the Electrician's Daughter
Once there were three boys. Their names were Neil and Paul and Eric. This was in New Jersey some years ago....
Jesus and Yahweh
Yale’s distinguished literary critic and more-than-amateur, but less-than-professional religionist Harold Bloom treats readers to a profoundly ...
If you’ve never seen a film written and directed by Woody Allen, then you’ve missed about one a year for a biblical generation....
Conversion: The goal of ecumenism
Jason Byassee’s account of six Protestant theologians who made the journey to the Roman Catholic Church made me reflect on my own exp...
Hopes and fantasies: The U.S., Israel and the war in Lebanon
It’s possible that Hezbollah was inviting a sharp Israeli response when it decided to cross into Israel, ambush an Israeli patrol and kidnap two soldiers. In any case, the Israelis’ decision to launch land and air strikes on Hezbollah strongholds and on Lebanon’s infrastructure has only burnished Hezbollah’s credentials.Far from turning the Lebanese against the “Party of God," Israel’s military response has bolstered Hezbollah’s self-appointed role as defender of the nation. In fact, it has made Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah a hero throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds.
Century Marks
How dare he? When retired Anglican archbishop Desmond Tutu spoke in a Seattle cathedral, the audience was prepared to applaud him for his part in ending the apartheid regime in South Africa. However, people were apparently miffed when Tutu criticized members of the congregation for not bringing their Bibles to church. Few shook his hand as they left the cathedral (Thomas Trzyna, Blessed Are the Pacifists, Herald Press, forthcoming).
Aid agencies struggle in Lebanon: Humanitarian situation "catastrophic"
After weeks of Israeli-Hezbollah fighting, waves of people from southern Lebanon holding white flags continued to travel toward Beirut as major relief and church agencies warned that the country fa...
Lutherans, Catholics, Methodists in accord: Sign joint declaration on doctrine of justification
A top Lutheran leader has hailed a decision by the world’s Methodist churches to sign on to an agreement that brought Catholics and Lutherans closer together on a key issue that rent them apart at ...
Gibson's anti-Semitic outburst shocks Jews: Reputation in film industry suffers damage
Two years after Mel Gibson angered Jewish leaders with The Passion of the Christ, the actor/director has again incensed the Jewish community by reportedly spouting a drunken anti-Semitic dia...
FDA rethinks its delays on sale of morning-after pill: Decision may be in a matter of weeks
After a three-year fight, the Bush administration signaled that it may be ready to reverse course and approve over-the-counter sales of an emergency contraceptive pill despite strong opposition fro...