Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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Illustration by Eric Nyquist
God as love and love as God
To be a prism refracting God’s light
Asking questions but not always giving answers
Revealing God’s tenacious love for us
Showing us God’s grace, love, and salvation
We can draw on 3,000 years
Sustenance, not seasoning
Christ’s repair of everything we ruin
Discovering salvation through the triune God’s story
Offering latitude and longitude coordinates for life
Orienting, anchoring, challenging, comforting, questioning, interpreting, loving
God’s assertion and subversion of distributive justice
The Torah is God’s command to Israel
Awakening us to God’s insistent call
Telling us about people following God
Revealing the God who lives
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