Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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15 results found.
I still have a voice
After the election, I was worried about people being silenced. So I joined a choir.
What we think we know about God
“Anyone who thinks he knows the orthodox consensus can always be shown to be wrong,” says David Bentley Hart.
January 30, Epiphany 4C (1 Corinthians 13:1-13; Luke 4:21-30)
If Jesus is with the other guy, how can he be with us?
The Oscars recognize Toy Story’s evolution
It is the nature of a creature—or toy, or movie franchise—to outgrow its context and move on.
Learning what happiness is (and isn’t) from my daughter with Down syndrome
Penny embodies the kind of love that holds onto hope amid suffering, redemption amid pain, and forgiveness amid hurt.
In 1947, Langston Hughes published the poem "Luck." It could be read as an ode to love. It could be read at weddings along with 1 Corinthians 13, the biblical ode to love. But that would miss the point of both the poem and the scripture.
The writer of Luke may be challenging his readers to accept even those whom the oppressed might reject, but Paul reminds us to act with love in all things.
In March 1933, the United States stood on the brink of ruin. Twenty-five percent of the population was unemployed; many people had not worked for several years. The situation was even worse in cities with major industries, where unemployment surpassed the national average.
Yet the real worry of the era cannot be captured by statistics alone.
For Andrew Elphinstone, human selfishness and violence are not evidence of a world gone wrong. They show a person ripe for transformation.
To the Ephesians and Philippians, to the Galatians and anyone who would listen, Paul’s message was the same.
"Love never ends,” St. Paul writes in the lesson we read from 1 Corinthians 13. Or, put more positively, “love abides.” What does that really mean—to say that “love abides”? Or, indeed, what possible sense could it make to say this in a world in which the truth so clearly seems to be that love quite often does not abide?