Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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31 results found.
Job experiences awe at God’s response, but not necessarily peace.
The wisdom of not knowing
The information age feels like an all-you-can-eat buffet. I’m stuffed.
The wisdom of not knowing
The information age feels like an all-you-can-eat buffet. I’m stuffed.
A Job who’s read Job
Poet Michael Shewmaker imagines a suffering Christian in Kilgore, Texas, with three unhelpful friends.
God’s first worst enemy
Before Satan, there was the biblical sea monster Leviathan.
God’s first worst enemy
Before Satan, there was the biblical sea monster Leviathan.
The book of Job is a parody
Sometimes I picture its author looking down at us and shaking his head.
The book of Job is a parody
Sometimes I picture its author looking down at us and shaking his head.
A rabbi’s poetic wrestling with faith after the Shoah
In Yehiel Poupko’s poems, Jewish belief in God groans under the burden of divine silence.
A rabbi’s poetic wrestling with faith after the Shoah
In Yehiel Poupko’s poems, Jewish belief in God groans under the burden of divine silence.
October 17, Ordinary 29B (Job 38:1-7, 34-41)
I don’t want to hear any more from Eliphaz, Bildad, or Zophar. I want answers.
October 17, Ordinary 29B (Job 38:1-7, 34-41)
I don’t want to hear any more from Eliphaz, Bildad, or Zophar. I want answers.
My friends are praying for me. Does God care?
God’s response to Job is cold comfort when you have terminal cancer.
Prayer isn’t our work, it’s God’s
I mostly agree with Jeffrey Weiss about prayer. I think St. Paul would too.
Alfred Lord Tennyson called Job "the greatest poem of ancient and modern times." Excerpts are regularly included in anthologies of world literature and religious poetry. It is an undeniable literary classic.
Why is it rarely preached in Christian churches?
Alfred Lord Tennyson called Job "the greatest poem of ancient and modern times." Excerpts are regularly included in anthologies of world literature and religious poetry. It is an undeniable literary classic.
Why is it rarely preached in Christian churches?
If God’s response to Job in chapter 38 were meant only to shut Job up, seven verses would be sufficient. But God is only getting started here, and the exuberance of the rhetoric insists that vastly more is at stake.
If God’s response to Job in chapter 38 were meant only to shut Job up, seven verses would be sufficient. But God is only getting started here, and the exuberance of the rhetoric insists that vastly more is at stake.
In science, when negative data isn’t reported, the result is a silence that silences. A life-saving drug or a new discovery may be missed.
In science, when negative data isn’t reported, the result is a silence that silences. A life-saving drug or a new discovery may be missed.