Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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In Psalm 8, humankind is crowned in glory and honor, loved and valued.
by Ron Ruthruff
June 4, Trinity A (Genesis 1:1–2:4a; Psalm 8)
Trusting in God’s transcendence means acknowledging God’s otherness.
When we read scripture backward
by Greg Carey
Our behavior doesn’t change the claim Jesus makes on us.
When we are overwhelmed by our daily struggles, when we get weary because of the dehumanization that results from hatred and greed, Proverbs 8 and Psalm 8 remind us how God conceives of us as human beings crowned with glory and honor.
Last month, both the scientifically minded and the scientifically challenged paused to contemplate the far reaches of the cosmos.
Scripture doesn't just shape the life of the community of faith. It also has a powerful effect on the lives of those who maintain distance from traditional religion, even those who explicitly deny religious faith.
By Hardy Kim
The psalmist is not alone in claiming that humans are only “a little lower than God.” Can it be any wonder, then, that our faith leaves a great deal of room to disagree about our power in creation?
by Hardy Kim
This Sunday's readings provide Bible backup for a nonscriptural word.