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11 results found.
Hagar and Ishmael,Jean-Charles Cazin, 1880
No one is ever outside God’s grace.
by Kirk Byron Jones
A new lectionary that centers women
“If the gospel isn’t good news to the women in the passage, is it still good news?”
Grace Ji-Sun Kim interviews Wil Gafney
Take & Read: Old Testament
New books that are shaping conversations about the Old Testament
by NaShieka Knight
My theological wake-up call at Walmart
We’re too often blind to what God sees.
by D. L. Mayfield
When hope gives up on magical results
Since my son’s accident, everything I understand about hope has changed.
by Debie Thomas
Jacob and the angel, as told by the angel
I'm authorized to open seals, drive the chariot of fire, and pour out bowls of judgment. But wrestling someone?
by Daniel Mallory Ortberg
Can "Abrahamic" replace "Judeo-Christian"? And without sacrificing the integrity of three different traditions?
by Ulrich Rosenhagen
Hagar’s story has often been read as if it explains some inevitable animosity among the Abrahamic faiths. We should try reading it differently.
by Debbie Blue
By Peter J. Leithart
A mother and child wander in the unknown—that place where fears overtake us.