Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
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How a young Catholic entrepreneur helps Nigerians see waste differently
by Ekpali Saint
Methodist woman donates 25 acres for Arkansas bird sanctuary
by Sam Hodges
Virginia church wins award for energy conservation
by Elizabeth McGowan
Climate change and the failure of incarnational nerve
Do we really want God to live with us in a poisoned and degraded world?
by Norman Wirzba
Faith for the earth's survival
Environmental sustainability requires a Reformation-scale paradigm shift.
by Leah D. Schade
Norman Wirzba views theology and ecology through 1 John 4:8, "Whoever does not love does not know God."
by Marcia Z. Nelson
Christians didn’t baptize Aldo Leopold’s land ethic after the fact. They got there years before his work.
by Kevin M. Lowe
How would I get to nursing homes, or respond to emergencies? What would I do when it snowed? I hoped the answers would come as I pedaled.
by G. Travis Norvell
As people respond to the needs of their particular place, they are also shaping the experiences of people elsewhere.
by Katherine Mast