Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Who gets to live on the land?
Historian Jo Guldi argues that land occupancy struggles aren’t just about fairness; they’re about humanity’s survival.
Sinéad O’Connor knows exactly who she is
Rememberings is the story of a pop star, protest singer, and prophet.
The power of a swim-in
In 1964, Mimi Ford jumped into a pool—and changed the course of history.
Why do Christians protest?
The biblical foundation for a holy practice
I was afraid to protest in Kenosha, but my parishioner needed me
The city felt like it had been sucker punched.
Reenvisioning safety at a Black Youth Project 100 rally
Who keeps us safe? the crowd cried out. We keep us safe!
How Killer Mike helped me rethink the work of Christian activism
Protesting in Jesus’ name is an outward act that yields inner transformation.
Messianic protest against the School of the Americas
In Kyle Lambelet’s view, SOA Watch demonstrates the virtues of a messianic politics.
What it means to be a body in Hong Kong
The protests confront us with a difficult question.
by Richard Wu
Why are so many white Christians suddenly standing up for racial justice?
It might help that our pews aren’t available to sit in and pray.
The coronavirus lockdown was doomed before the mass protests began
Its demise came from the same system that killed George Floyd and Breonna Taylor.
The urgent need for deep changes in American policing
Are the police meant to protect people? Or to fight them?
The liturgy of a black lives matter protest
Last week in Louisville, I went to church.
What I’d like to say to President Trump about the Bible
I’d tell him a secret I learned from Eugene Peterson.
Being church while the neighborhood burns
“There’s a fire that cannot be extinguished except by justice.”
Elizabeth Palmer interviews Ingrid C. A. Rasmussen and Angela Khabeb
The New Testament’s christological hymns are songs of resistance
They use the conventions of Jewish resistance poetry to challenge Roman occupation.
by Zen Hess