Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Is Filipino cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle really “the Asian Francis”?
The media portrays him as a progressive. It’s not that simple.
Pope Francis’s vision of a wounded church converted by mercy
How can the church become less of a citadel and more of a field hospital?
Major stories in American Christianity of the 2010s
How faith has been shaped by Obergefell, the Charleston murders, Me Too, and more
Stumbling toward peace in Colombia
Churches continue to work at the grassroots to see the peace deal implemented.
Pope Francis the populist intellectual
The pope doesn't always show off his theological talents. Does that matter?
by Jon Sweeney
Blaise Pascal, blessed doubter
Pascal knew both the inconstancy of the human heart and the promise that we were made for glory.
Pope Francis's theology of mercy has political implications.
Pope Francis calls us to internalize the planet's pain.
"A commemoration, not a celebration." What does this mean?
by Michael Root
Pope Francis’s response to the killing of a French priest puzzled some. But it pointed to the true nature of Christian witness.