Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
The voices of American poets
Edward Hirsch’s labor of love celebrates centuries of American verse, from Anne Bradstreet to Joy Harjo.
The great and strange John Donne
Katherine Rundell’s biography offers something new: she matches the poet’s energy with her own.
In witness to a wilting world
Tishani Doshi’s poetic voice dwells between the scriptural and the cultural, between lesson and observation.
A fresh translation of Nelly Sachs’s later poems
For Sachs, flight is multivalent: her flight from the Nazis, any refugee’s flight from oppression, God’s flight from God.
Paul Mariani seeks wisdom among the ghosts
The poet, now in his eighties, asks profound questions in a dazzling array of poems.
Joy Harjo gives words to the poet warriors who were her ancestors
The Indigenous writer’s new memoir understands memory as counsel and ritual as the potency of love.
Anya Silver’s heart-wrenchingly beautiful last poems
Saint Agnostica is a chronicle of grief, love, and mystery.
A new translation of “The Dark Night of the Soul” thrills with adventure
In St. John of the Cross’s poetry, the dark night is also a night of profound, even ecstatic beauty.
by Amy Frykholm
Elegies for Jacki
Poet Peter Cooley logs the year following his wife’s death with courage and brutal honesty.
Leila Chatti writes intensely physical poems about faith, illness, and sex
The poetic vision of Deluge reconciles Muslim and Christian themes.
What does the Mississippi Delta sound like in verse?
Philip Kolin’s poetry is about juke joints, bluesmen, mosquitoes, ladybugs, race, faith, and more.
This Lent, I want to learn to see the world like a poet
Why I’ve chosen Michele Madigan Somerville's Glamourous Life as my Lenten companion.
Why do we write and read poetry?
For both Paul Mariani and Mark Jarman, the mystery is theological.
Ted Kooser’s poetry of the Great Plains resonates across the world
The beloved American poet lifts the everyday into the realm of the transcendent.
by James Crews
Danusha Laméris’s new book is filled with small kindnesses
A luminous poetry collection marked by joy and sorrow, humor and truth.
by James Crews
Dr. King’s voice in verse
Joseph Ross’s poems are an elegy for the civil rights movement’s martyrs.
Praise, pilgrimage, and poetry
New collections by Jeanine Hathaway and Jeanne Murray Walker
The weird beauty of Kay Ryan’s prose
The former poet laureate’s quirky faith is a spirituality for prankish oddballs.
An invitation to walk with poetry
Two books offer entrance points for the intimidated.