Since 1900, the Christian Century has published reporting, commentary, poetry, and essays on the role of faith in a pluralistic society.
© 2023 The Christian Century.
Loving your political enemy at the National Prayer Breakfast
Arthur Brooks gave the room an important assignment. President Trump turned it down.
Major stories in American Christianity of the 2010s
How faith has been shaped by Obergefell, the Charleston murders, Me Too, and more
If Trump is impeached, it will be hard for Senate Republicans to vote to convict him
They need to do it anyway.
A president who thinks he can do whatever he wants
Trump’s position is not that the facts will vindicate him. It’s that they don’t matter.
The shutdown shows why governing by symbol doesn’t work
The border wall means a lot to Trump. It means very little for public policy.
Christians can’t confront violence by blaming “both sides” and their incivility
We don't have to choose a political party. We do have to name the problem for what it is.
This ridiculous “spiritual biography” of Trump is no joke
In David Brody and Scott Lamb’s book, grace for the president abounds.
How Trump won the 2016 fear sweepstakes
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Ben Carson understood evangelical anxieties and played to them. But the strategy backfired.
by John Fea
I shouldn't have to be so scared
In 34 years in this country, I've experienced racism. But I've never felt like I feel this week.
Slaying the monsters
Theological issues might be “settled” for us, but there is a big world out there that needs to hear our voices.
Reading evangelical history with one eye closed
Frances FitzGerald gets the religious right wrong—along with the evangelical tradition generally.
The call to moral resistance
Trump isn’t Hitler. Still, the Confessing Church models how we might respond to the new president.
What is Truth?: A Pentecostal Ethic
There are few things scarier than genuinely and openly stepping out in pursuit of truth. It is easy to be dogmatic but it is difficult to find the humility and courage necessary to begin unsettling one’s own limited understanding for something truer and purer than what we have already known.
Political slogans and the nature of God
When an anthropologist wants to understand a culture, he or she studies its gods.