How people deal with pointless suffering
What does a fair trade logo actually mean?
Reading Toni Morrison in Advent
When hope gives up on magical results
Two glimpses into Judaism in America
A barbershop births a church of drug users, ex-cons, and homeless folks
December 15, Advent 3A (Matthew 11:2–11; Psalm 146:5–10; James 5:7–10)
A glimpse of how heaven sees worship
Politics, parenting, and other secular things we put our faith in
December 8, Advent 2A (Matthew 3:1–12)
Standing in the remains of the death camps in Poland
A playground bully, her victim, and their God
To avoid risk, don’t get close to God
December 1, Advent 1A (Matthew 24:36–44; Romans 13:11–14)
Saying good-bye to my congregation
The problem with specialization
Our legislators’ silence is a failure of moral courage
Pastors, friendship, and the limits of boundaries
How Sister Helen Prejean became a “social justice sister”