Sunday’s Coming
Repentance at the heart (3B) (Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20)
There’s a whole lotta repenting going on in these texts.
A blessing to the world (John 1:43-51; Epiphany 2B)
Jesus quotes the Jacob’s ladder story in Genesis.
Magi on camels? Seriously? (Matthew 2:1-12)
It’s all too much like a fairy tale.
Adopted as God's family (Christmas 1B) (Galatians 4:4-7)
Six markers of what this means in the wake of the incarnation.
Endless Advent (Luke 2:1-20; Nativity of the Lord)
And how will we know it’s Christmas?
High risk (Advent 4B) (Luke 1:26-38)
There are things I found out about myself while I was pregnant.
Magical realism and the word of the Lord (Advent 2B; Isaiah 40:1-11)
Mysterious truth in fiction and in reality
Yanking out the tablecloth (Advent 1B; Mark 13:24-37)
Advent amid the rubble of 2020
A letter to the congregation (Reign of Christ A; Ephesians 1:15-23)
Ephesians could be a template for a sermon in the style of a pastoral letter.
The joy of what kind of master? (Matthew 25: 14-30; 33A)
This master's ways are celebrated by the world, not by Jesus.
A tough parable to read right now (Matthew 25:1-13; 32A)
The last are certainly not first in this story.
Unmoored (All Saints A; 1 John 3:1-3)
We are living in a season of immense upheavel.
Human finitude (30A; Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8)
It’s really tough to value the gifts inherent in finitude when beloved ones are dying.
Jesus reframes the question (Matthew 22:15-22; 29A)
The Herodians' topic of choice could have been plucked from the moderator's cue cards in a presidential debate.
Do you want to be here? (Matthew 22:1-14; Philippians 4:1-9; 28A)
The king doesn't want just anyone at the wedding banquet.
Bounty to share (27A; Matthew 21:33-46)
Jesus knows exactly what he is doing.
Our complaint and God’s provision (Exodus 17:1-7; 26A)
The “promised land” is whatever is on the other side of this coronavirus.
No seniority (25A; Matthew 20:1-16)
As a culture, we don’t have much patience for the last.
First-century culture wars (24 A; Romans 14:1-12)
The issues are different, but the temptation is the same.
The law's aspirations (Romans 13:8-14; 23A)
Justice is complicated--even when it is the law of God.