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Uganda shelves kill the gays bill--for now.
Awards and a nomination
We're very pleased that indie-press digest Utne Reader nominated the Century for a 2011 Utne Independent Press Award
in the "body/spirit" category.
The Daily Show's limits
"Open conversation that leads to nothing." That's how Jon Stewart summed up his interview with popular right-wing historian David Barton. He was right: After 30 minutes of glib back-and-forth with Barton (ten of which made it onto TV), Stewart was flummoxed, worn down, unfunny.
Fear and relief
We are right to feel a sense of relief that a major source of evil has been removed. But we should reflect also on the flip side of that relief: the nature of our fears.
Chick-fil-A on doing unto others
CEO Dan Cathy of the
Chick-fil-A company has a new
service model: the Sermon on the Mount. "Here's the deal," Cathy
announced recently at the second annual Imagination Summit in California. "All
of us were created in God's image."
A missionary blogs it like it is
When mission organizations send out promotional
materials, they don't usually include missionary ruminations like Heather Hendrick's. She exposes her faith, doubt, frustration and hope with equal courage.
Ayn Rand's sphere of influence
In the latest First Things, David Bentley
Hart skewers the thought of Ayn Rand. Yet only in a passing reference does he acknowledge
the reasons for the renewed interest in Rand.
Varieties of service
I like the energy and talent in our praise group, but invariably I'm the one who asks if the bass player could turn
down his amp. I've also been known to ask if we could sing more songs that let
Jesus down off of the cross.
Global warming reversals
In 2009, Sen. Mark Kirk (R--Ill.), then a congressman,
voted for a bill that would have regulated greenhouse gases--a bill that died in the Senate. Kirk later did an about-face
on global warming. In January he explained that "the consensus behind the
climate change bill collapsed and then further deteriorated with the personal
and political collapse of Vice President Gore."
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Solidarity in honor of Dr. King.
How, and how not, to stimulate the economy.