Dutch Parliament approves limited ban on burqa, niqab
King of Jordan wins Templeton Prize for fostering Muslim, interfaith cooperation
Nigerian interfaith couple perseveres in the city where Boko Haram began
Churches rebuke Jeff Sessions on immigration rules
Supreme Court declines to hear appeal from breakaway Anglican group in South Carolina
Jordan's young protesters say they learned from Arab Spring mistakes
Bavarian leader puts crosses in state offices amid anti-immigrant backlash
Employees quit American Bible Society over new sex and marriage rules
Justices hand down narrow ruling for Christian baker in wedding cake case
Fuller seminary to sell Pasadena campus and move
Ireland's vote on abortion reveals deep divides
Gazans and Israelis strive to keep connections, hope across the border
Southern Baptists call Paige Patterson to account
Australian archbishop convicted of covering up child sexual abuse
White House initiative aims to increase faith groups' presence in government
U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem fulfills prophecy for some, causes mourning for others
Poor People's Campaign engages in 40 days of demonstrations
Interfaith efforts move from mere tolerance to deeper partnerships
Interfaith clergy group in Montana counters neo-Nazi hate
Loren Mead, founder of the Alban Institute, dies at age 88