Faith Matters
The church in the whirlwind
At a reunion of our seminary's class of 1965, I talked to pastors who grieve that they have not left the mainline church better than they found it. They were faithful to their moment, but that moment blew away.
A shower of nouns
My Italian is rusty. When I go to church in Rome and try to follow along, I'm reminded of Woolf's "incessant shower of innumerable atoms."
Rejects in the center
Perhaps normal people no longer assume that church is part of what it means to be normal. Or perhaps the idea of a normal center was flawed all along.
The face of Everyhuman
As a child, I liked to survey strangers about what it means to be human. Brandon Stanton has created a fully realized version of what I was doing.
When a child leaves
We just took our son to college for his first year. It was hard for me, scary/exciting for him, and wounding for his mother.
Words that count
A student I taught with recalls licking honey from Hebrew letters as a child. My own memories of religious education are less auspicious.
Walking toward the storm
Jesus went slowly, purposefully into the eye of the storm. Only through the storm would he find what he was looking for.
Witnesses in the cloud
Critics view genealogy as a kind of ersatz historiography, an individualistic reconstruction of the past. But there is more to family tree building.
Revival without tents
I can still smell the wet canvas and sawdust of my father's revivals. He believed that any self-respecting revival was held in a tent.
Trafficking in ideas
Anthony C. Yu died this spring. I am still discovering the profound influence this teacher had on me.
What Bonhoeffer knew
When the church stops talking about Jesus, it has nothing to say.
Stories of my childhood
All I remember from The Magic Stones is the image of a young man, some stones and blocks, and an experiment revealing the most perfect shape.
Where issues have faces
The mainline has long congratulated itself for being prophetic because it's good at voting for progressive agendas. But change happens at the local level.
Looking together
In To the Lighthouse, two people who don't get along find themselves looking at a bowl of fruit. "Looking together," writes Woolf, "united them."
Desired things
Be humble. Think of the imagination of God that brought creation into being; there could have been nothing.
Two ascension stories
When the Ascension coincides with Lailat al-Mi‘rāj, perhaps Christians and Muslims can spare a sidelong glance.
Commencement strategy
There is much hand-wringing about the future of theological education. Yet graduates still follow the Spirit's call into some form of ministry.
Wearable worship
Azra Akšamija and Jo Murphy make art that points to things made invisible by fear—both our own fear and our society's.
Dementia and resurrection
Perhaps it's only when we let go of who and what our loved one was that we can receive who they are now.
Bigger on the inside
I've never knowingly visited purgatory or fairy land, but I have set foot in a few small places that, once entered, prove to be larger.