Florida’s “Stop WOKE Act” is about White people’s comfort
The receptive, reflective act of paying attention
Jesus turned his public humiliation into solidarity
What does it mean to be a Christian plumber?
Cultivating Christ-like compassion
Is there an antidote to White grievance?
St. Dymphna and her legacy of care
If God is almighty, why do we suffer?
Reckoning with our messiah complexes
The human moments of pastoral care
End-of-life decisions in the ICU
The New York Public Library’s act of grace
American Christians tend to imagine a God who thinks and looks like us
Who is welcome at the communion table?
My history in publishing
I walked across Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge and saw a synagogue
When goodness is also lovely
The power of a swim-in
God at the center
Faith is a gift to relax into