Cover Story
Essential books
Our fall books issue includes annotated lists of top titles on the book of Job, atonement and children's ministry.
Normal Mormons: A "model minority" blends in
Mormons are in the familiar situation of being on the
defensive theologically and politically. But they are also
in terra incognita: they are viewed as
leading the way in preserving family values.
The liberal agony: Why there was no new New Deal
In 2008, both enthusiasts and enemies of a new New Deal misjudged Obama. They also misjudged the circumstances he faced.
Faith forming faith: Learning from new Christians
The opportunity arose for our church to host a group of homeless people. We anticipated that people might threaten to leave if we went through with it. We weren't prepared, however, for the newly baptized Kathryn.
Dan Savage interprets adultery
For better or for worse, the sex columnist provides real-time exegesis of the seventh commandment.
Reform that works: The community schools movement
Some education reformers are trying to shift
the focus from test scores to the broader circumstances of children's
lives. One idea emphasizes schools as places where children connect with
the broader society.
Marketing plan: A mainline church in the Bible Belt
I used to receive postcards from conservative churches
advertising their upcoming sermon series. Why, I asked myself, don't mainline
churches advertise like this? That question led
to an experiment.
KJV at 400
For a majority of mainline Christians, the NRSV is the biblical translation of choice. But the KJV is the English-language Bible on which all others stand.
Deeper history: Ministry in the 21st century
"We have rejected much of our immediate [evangelical] past," says Josh Carney of his church, University Baptist Church in Waco, Texas. Looking to older traditions, "we found that some of our objections had already been addressed."
My wandering mind: A pastor goes to yoga
Among the thoughts that course through my brain when I'm supposed to be
focusing on my breathing are thoughts about worship. Being a newcomer to
yoga has prompted me to reflect on what it is like to be new to
one of our services.
Is yoga religious? Spiritual roots of a physical practice: Spiritual roots of a physical practice
Who owns yoga? That unexpected question arose last year when the Hindu
American Foundation identified what it views as two serious
misconceptions about yoga that are widespread in the West.
Loose connections: What's happening to church membership?
Most churches still
approach membership the way they did in the 1960s. But if new modes of affiliation are
appearing, churches will need new ways of thinking about membership.
Dismembership plan
When House of Mercy began in 1996, most attendees weren’t interested in formal membership. In 2008, the church joined the ELCA—which requires congregations to keep a member roll.
Betting on a generous God
Rob Bell fights every impulse in our culture to domesticate Jesus, reminding
readers that Christians do not believe in Christianity; they believe in
the Christ who wants to "draw all people" to himself.
Take & read: Spring books
Our spring books issue includes the
following annotated lists of top new titles: Kathleen O'Connor on Old Testament, Amy Plantinga Pauw on theology and Brent Laytham on ethics.
Essential books
Our spring books issue includes annotated lists of top
titles on religion and the nation's founders, religion and the Civil War, evangelism and youth ministry.
Spring books: Reviews
Our spring books issue's reviews include Jason Byassee on David Ford, Shirley Showalter on Carlos Eire, Dennis O'Brien on Terry Eagleton, LaVonne Neff on Elias Aboujaoude and others.
No common good?
The common good is taking a beating. Economic inequality has accelerated dramatically since the early 1980s, and many think nothing can be done about it. But that verdict is a nonstarter for Christian morality.
Here I walk: On the road with Luther
“What are we to give to God in return for this love?” asked Martin Luther. “Nothing. You shall not go to Rome on pilgrimages.” I'm Lutheran, and I went to Rome on pilgrimage.