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A retired Fuller Seminary professor, Anderson seeks to infuse the Emergent movement with an Emergent theology, drawing on Paul’s teachings and using the Antioch church depicted in Acts as a model.
This helpful volume offers the core research findings of the Lilly-funded Pulpit and Pew project, providing a window onto the state of pastoral ministry and leadership in North America as the new century begins.
What happens when a New England Congregational church takes up the ancient practice of testimony? The story is gracefully told by that congregation’s pastor and teacher.
A seasoned pastor offers wisdom for critical phases of pastoral ministry.
Alban editor and Lutheran pastor Gaede draws together 30 articles by a host of authors covering most aspects of clergy misconduct. This is an important reference work and resource, as well as a guide for congregations dealing with misconduct.
Unlike many homiletics professors, who seem to write for one another, Graves writes for the working pastor and preacher. This volume is as lively as Graves believes preachers can be.
With most Americans living today in old or new suburbs or the growing exurbs, InterVarsity editor Hsu takes up the question of faithful discipleship in the land of plenty. Hsu is honest about the challenges but hopeful about the possibilities.
A rich resource for congregations seeking new life. A Presbyterian pastor, Standish brings a thoroughgoing discernment-based approach—asking “What is God calling us to be and do?”—to the whole church.
Originally titled Practicing Church, this volume wonderfully deepens our understanding of the practices that constitute being the church and discusses why these practices matter.
This field-based study of new-church-development pastors contains rich wisdom and sound advice for pastoral leaders. Contributors include Darrell Guder, Carl Dudley and Robert Hoyt.