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Brian D. McLaren
Brian D. McLaren is author of A New Kind of Christianity and We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation, and Activation.
How to be a purple church in a red state
When you embrace criticism instead of avoiding it, you get lots of chances to love your enemy.
Brian McLaren's Christmas picks
Diana Butler Bass’s new book Grounded (HarperCollins) is at the top of my 2015 gift list....
I thank God for pastors.
Pastors know things that are painful to know. Pastors keep confidences even though doing so leaves others to assume the worst. Pastors are routinely insulted, cussed out, lied about, or lied to....
Brian McLaren's favorite books for ministry
What are the best books for ministry written in the 21st century? We asked seven pastors to pick their favorites. — Ed....
Targeted medicine: Resident Aliens at 25
The image of a resident alien offers an important biblical corrective. But it isn't the only such image we need.
The E-Myth Revisited, by Michael Gerber
Church leadership is about leadership—and that includes organizational and financial skills.
In Christ, God calls all to reconciliation
God was in Christ,
proclaiming and demonstrating the good news of the kingdom (or commonwealth).
This new way of life challenges us to rethink everything in our lives that
resists reconciliation.
5 books for ministry
Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity, by Eugene H. Peterson (Eerdmans)....
Who Speaks for Islam? What a Billion Muslims Really Think
Is it ever justifiable to intentionally target innocent civilians in order to achieve political or military ends?...
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Healing the political psyche
Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of the progressive Jewish magazine Tikkun, understands that a bipolar p...
Seminary 2050: Part monastery, part seminar, part mission agency
Seminary programs should be one part monastery, one part seminar and one part mission agency....