
Delicate Maneuvers

On the internet old couples 
are dancing in hazardous moves, 
back and forth, around each other, 
to pop music, loud. 
You don’t really want to watch.


You carefully pull away the fingers 
of the child who’s grasped your leg 
in longing for something 
not yours to give


You read that every year 
hundreds of millions of birds die 
from flying into glass, breaking 
into neighborhood homes. 
You don’t really want to know.


Soon you will raise your small, 
trembling hand to say 
you have the answer 
or think you do


Yet you avoid the eyes of the stranger 
walking toward you on the path 
as though you’re blinded 
by headlights


That sideways breath on a cat’s ear. 
Your breath. 
You don’t really want such power.