Authors /
Sarah Gordon
Sarah Gordon is author of the poetry collection Six White Horses, forthcoming from Mercer University Press.
Free Will: A Consideration
Providence has a wild, rough, incalculable ...
Delicate Maneuvers
On the internet old couples are dancing in hazardous moves, back and forth, around each other, to pop music, loud. ...
La Peur des Chevaux
Yes, she feared them in spite of their large forgiving eyes— those compact bulging bodies, sharp-necked, maned; ...
The Endless Undiluted Silence
I wish I could reach you there, where it is you live now, the ripples
of days cascading to no sound, where it is you aren’t. I can’t get beyond that wall,...
Ressentiment et rancoeur:
A Proposal
A Proposal
Resentment. Say it.
Perhaps it seethes on shelves of memory or grovels around the basement, nearly inflaming the other rooms in the house....
Nothing to Hold On To
When the lasso of language misses its mark, falls limp in the dust, the horse gets away, ...
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Ambiguous Loss*
*term given by psychiatrists to describe the emotional state of those who do not know whether ...