Week 5 (Year 4, NL)
39 results found.
Wonder Bread vs. the bread of life (John 6:51-58)
Wonder Bread seems a good analogy for much of popular Christianity.
August 18, Ordinary 20B (John 6:51–58)
The Greek word sarx could well be translated as “hamburger” rather than “flesh.”
August 11, Ordinary 19B, (John 6:35, 41–51)
We need to wrestle with the meaning of Jesus’ flesh as bread, bread we are to consume.
June 9, Ordinary 10B (1 Samuel 8:4–20, [11:14–15])
Samuel is a good leader, until he isn’t.
September 20, 25A (Exodus 16:2-15)
Who gets to complain?
Nurturing the bread of life (John 6:51-58)
The church doesn’t always value people as God does. Not even Mary.
God comes through (Exodus 16:2-4, 9-15)
The One who promised Moses perpetual presence is apparently someone to be trusted.
The wall my daughter can’t get past
I’ve stopped trying to climb over it or knock it down. Now I just sit there.
by Debie Thomas
August 19, Ordinary 20B (John 6:51-58)
Communion is not the only time we seek Jesus like a hungry baby.
August 12, Ordinary 19B (John 6:35, 41-51)
People must have gasped when Jesus opened his mouth and said 'I am.'
Gathering Manna in the Desert, by Nicolas Poussin (1594–1665)
Art selection by Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons
Make today great again
Instead of glorifying the past, what if we treated the present as precious?
Who is communion for? The debate over the open table
Offering the elements to the unbaptized can be seen as a development and not a revolution, but it is a significant change. Is it a good one?
Better, not more
The lectionary has focused our attention on bread for a very long time. One might think that five barley loaves transformed into a feast plus baskets full of leftovers would be news enough, but Jesus goes on to talk about the bread for another 36 verses. He would be a dream interview for today's 24-hour news shows, with their incessant need for commentary on the latest attention-grabbing headline.
By Audrey West