26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A, RCL)
63 results found.
April 21, Easter 4B (Psalm 23; John 10:11–18)
A dead shepherd isn’t helpful to anyone, least of all to the sheep left behind.
Of the same mind? (Philippians 2:1-13)
Are there healthy, non-authoritarian ways to approach Paul’s call to like-mindedness?
October 1, Ordinary 26A (Philippians 2:1-13)
Paul’s words about humility should be handled with care.
A self-emptying of privilege
Brandan Robertson grounds his discussion of Christians and privilege in the kenosis hymn of Philippians 2.
March 12, Lent 3A (Exodus 17:1-7; Psalm 95; John 4:5-42)
Water dominated the imaginations of our ancestors in faith, whose stories often called for either a canteen or galoshes.
Why was the apostle Paul in prison so often?
Perhaps for the same reasons people are today.
by Sarah Jobe
A new lectionary that centers women
“If the gospel isn’t good news to the women in the passage, is it still good news?”
Grace Ji-Sun Kim interviews Wil Gafney
Bodies at worship (Palm/Passion B) (Philippians 2:5-11)
Every knee shall bow, even our knees.
Our complaint and God’s provision (Exodus 17:1-7; 26A)
The “promised land” is whatever is on the other side of this coronavirus.
September 27, 26A (Matthew 21:23-32)
Remaining steadfast—offensive bodies and all
The pandemic calls for closed hymnals
Forgoing congregational singing as a spiritual discipline