God’s covenant: What it means to be church
The idea of “covenant” comes up frequently in proposed solutions to mainline crises. Before writing its final report, the PCUSA Theological Task Force on Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church drew up a covenant of prayer, worship and careful listening.
Bearing witness: A challenge to Christian Zionism
While visiting friends in east Texas my wife saw a message on the sign of the Assemblies of God church in which she had grown up. It declared, “The Bible Says the Land Belongs to Israel.” This was during the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005.
What if? The missed opportunity of 9/11: The missed opportunity of 9/11
Barely making it
Soulful and tough in equal measure, The Pursuit of Happyness is the ideal movie for the Christmas season. It’s a triumph-of-the-spirit film in which the protagonist’s journey from poverty and occasional homelessness to solvency and the promise of a future is so thorny and obstacle-laden that you can’t imagine how he’s going to get there. And the moment of triumph, coming after so much heartbreak, is understated.
Squeezed out
Religion and rights
Faith and Politics: How the "Moral Values" Debate Divides America and How to Move Forward Together
Grand parenting: Grandchildren and the holy hope of Christmas
Critical and faithful: Magnanimity rooted in the gospel
Secret passage: "The craziest thing you've done here yet"
Hymn sing: A secular liturgy for hymnal transition times
Christmas wars enrich some advocacy groups: Merchandise sales support conservative organizations
Is bottled water a moral issue? Religious groups launch campaign: Religious groups launch campaign
New Jersey lawmakers OK gay civil unions: Follow state Supreme Court ruling
United Nations court jails Rwandan priest, frees Adventist pastor: Roman Catholic convicted of role in genocide
High court to hear faith-based case: Bush's attempts to expand government role at issue
Briefly noted
Century Marks
Wages of war: No one can predict the long-term consequences of war, but not until last summer did the U.S. stop collecting a 3 percent tax on long-distance telephone calls that was begun in 1898 to help pay for the Spanish-American War—a war that lasted only several months (Vital Speeches of the Day, December).