New to the CCblogs network
There are a number of new bloggers in the CCblogs network. Drop by and check them out:
Nancy Janish, a former veterinarian, blogs about science and religion, among other things. So does Thomas Jay Oord, a Church of the Nazarene theologian.
Steven Demmler writes about theology while studying it as a graduate student. Kurt Willems blogs as a Mennonite Brethren pastor and a seminarian. Joshua Pedersen writes about the Bible from the perspective of a literature Ph.D.
Married couple Daniel Ott (a theologian) and Teri McDowell Ott (a pastor) blog in conversation with each other. Teacher and consultant Margaret Marcuson blogs about church leadership.
Phil Heinze writes a devotion for each of the Revised Common Lectionary’s daily readings.
David Warkentin, a pastor in British Columbia, blogs on community and culture. Massachusetts Methodist pastor John Nash offers “random thoughts on life, religion and sports.”
James Sledge, a former corporate pilot, is a Presbyterian pastor in suburban Columbus. Massachusetts Episcopal priest Rich Simpson teaches Bible to undergraduates.
Alan Rudnick is a Baptist pastor in upstate New York. Robert McDowell is a Methodist pastor in western Ohio. Danny Bradfield blogs at Field of Dandelions.
Gawain de Leeuw is an Episcopal priest in White Plains, NY. His “heresy of choice is semi-Pelagianism.” Jon Fogle is “attentive to the scripture, a theological moderate, and a social liberal (just like Jesus).”
Joey Aszterbaum blogs as the Charismanglican, which means exactly what it looks like.