Spring books: Reviews
Our spring books issue includes the following reviews:
Mark Allan Powell: Constructing Jesus, by Dale C. Allison Jr.
Jason Byassee: The Future of Christian Theology, by David F. Ford
Robert Westbrook: Unwarranted Influence, by James Ledbetter
John G. Turner: The Myth of American Religious Freedom, by David Sehat
Randall J. Stephens: Tocqueville's Discovery of America, by Leo Damrosch
Dennis O'Brien: Why Mark Was Right, by Terry Eagleton
LaVonne Neff: Virtually You, by Elias Aboujaoude
Shirley H. Showalter: Learning to Die in Miami, by Carlos Eire
Trudy Bush: Being Polite to Hitler, by Robb Forman Drew
Janet Potter: The Illumination, by Kevin Brockmeier