First Sunday after Christmas (Year C, RCL)
42 results found.
Exclaiming praise! (Psalm 148)
No one and nothing escapes Psalm 148’s exhortation.
December 29, Christmas 1C (Luke 2:41-52)
Twelve years into this parenting gig, Mary knows there’s not much she can do to keep her son safe.
December 31, Christmas 1B (Isaiah 61:10–62:3; Psalm 148; Galatians 4:4–7; Luke 2:22–40)
Simeon and Anna echo the worship material of ancient Israel.
Mary’s special child and mine
I probably shouldn’t treat my own son like he’s the Messiah. Imagine the pressure.
Cultivating Christ-like compassion
We may feel compassion in our guts, but we learn it by practicing empathic solidarity.
Idylls without idols (1 Samuel 2:18-20, 26; Luke 2:41-52)
There’s a lot of a certain sort of pleasure pursued around Christmas.
December 26, Christmas 1 (Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:41-52)
Why am I so skeptical about sitting and learning at the feet of others?
The extinction of whales, birds, and other creatures that once praised God
God called all of them good. Humans are rapidly destroying them.
Come join creation’s choir (Psalm 148)
The psalmist puts out a clarion call.
The great drama of the trinitarian hymn “Holy, Holy, Holy”
The beloved song can contain God’s glory no more than the scripture it’s based on.
Let the children serve
On a shelf in our church library you can find a “Reading Guide” made by a fourth grader. It lists the types of books appropriate for different age groups and advises: “Remember--Kids (8-12) when you start the Bible, go at your own pace. It's a long book!”