In the Lectionary

September 22, Ordinary 25B (Mark 9:30–37)

Rather than rebuke the disciples, Jesus takes a little child by the hand.

Many years ago I attended a conference sponsored by the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. It was an annual event featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and some truly memorable convention food. This particular conference featured Jewish New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine as the keynote speaker. She was smart and funny and edgy and everything you want in a conference speaker.

At one point Levine told us about her son. He was a little boy then. He had curly hair, she said. Altogether adorable. Imagine that little boy is sitting in the front row every time you preach, she said. Right there in front of you. Never say anything that will harm that little Jewish boy.

Her challenge has influenced my preaching ever since. I now know my preaching responsibility includes calling out the antisemitic stereotypes generations of us learned from the text and its interpretation. Because I don’t want to harm that little Jewish boy.