January 19, Epiphany 2C (John 2:1-11)
Mary reminds us that sometimes we get involved in the need right in front of us simply because we can.
When I was growing up, the girls in my neighborhood played double Dutch. Unlike other jump rope games, double Dutch requires at least three players. Two of them turn the two ropes (or one very long one tied together at the ends) toward or away from each other in alternating rhythmic motion. The third player determines the right time and then jumps into the middle of the ropes, making sure to avoid stepping on them or getting tripped up. It’s a game of timing and skill. Each role is critical to a good game. In my neighborhood, if you did not demonstrate that you were capable of turning the ropes with fairly consistent mastery, you were barred from the role.
I was a great turner. I had a rhythm that worked very well and could sync nicely with other turners in our neighborhood. But I wasn’t a great jumper. Once I got in the rope I did a decent job, but I struggled to get in the rope in the first place. You have to assess the speed and rhythm of the ropes and how that relates to your own speed and style. If you miss and get hit with the ropes, it could be painful. Often I missed my moment due to my hyper-focus on the potential pain. More often than not, I couldn’t get past the fear. At some point I decided that it was best if I just stayed in the role of turner, where I could be counted on. It saddens me now as I look back on it. I wish I’d had more courage to take the shot, to risk the temporary discomfort and trust that I would get the timing right.
John states that there is a wedding in Cana of Galilee. We aren’t told who the couple is, but we are informed that Jesus’ mother is an invited guest, as are Jesus and his disciples. At some point in the celebration Mary finds out that the wine, a central component of the celebration and an important part of the practice of hospitality, has run out. We aren’t told if she is asked to intervene or if she just decides to help on her own, but regardless of the reason, she tells her son—and the text implies an expectation on her part that he will do something to fix things.